The Help Pt2

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A couple of days later Serenity was summoned to Negan's room to bring him dinner again. He had been out on a run with Simon and some of the others so she hadn't seen him since the incident the other night. Since their kiss. Which also meant she hadn't had to see his wives either, and for that she was grateful.

Since she last saw Negan things had improved downstairs. More points were being awarded for work and more people were able to get by. Essential items were also a little bit more affordable too. When she had returned to her room that night after she had finished washing up in the kitchen, she had found a box of supplies on her bed. Inside she found soap, shampoo, a small first aid kit, a change of clothes and a small stash of snacks. With it was a little note that read: 'Something to help you get by'. And people thought Negan was cold and heartless, but she knew better.

So there she was heading up to Negan's room once more, hoping she wouldn't face any backlash from Sherry and her merry band of bitches. Opening the door she walked in to the lounge room, most of the wives avoiding looking at her. All but Sherry of course. She was glaring daggers at her. If looks could kill... she would be fucked.

"What!?" Serenity growled.

Sherry was about to open her mouth when Negan's bedroom door opened and he stood there confidently. He gave Sherry a warning kind of look and she bit her tongue and said nothing, looking away.

"Evening Serenity. Come in" he said as he gestured to his room, following behind her he closed the door. She placed the tray down on the table and turned to Negan. "Will that be all Negan?" She asked politely.



"I'd like the pleasure of your company" he grinned cockily.

"Oh um... okay" she smiled shyly.

"How's the face?" He asked as he gently grasped her chin, turning her face so he could see. The area was bruised, but it was beginning to fade, as we're the scratch marks. "Healing nicely".

"Thanks to you" she smiled. "I appreciate what you did for me. The first aid kit and everything".

"My pleasure Serenity" he smiled. "Sit" he instructed, and just like the other night they sat opposite one another and again Negan insisted she eat half his food. She wanted to protest, but she knew better than to try argue with him.

"Life downstairs has gotten a little easier. I guess that was your doing?"

"Just trying to keep the masses happy. Keep the wheels turning and all that" he told her.

"Well, we all appreciate it" she told him before swallowing down another mouthful.

"I hope you didn't encounter any fucking trouble getting here?" He asked.

"No.... no trouble".

"Good. If any shit like that happens again I wanna fucking know about it okay".

"Yes Negan".

"I don't want anyone messing with that pretty face of yours" he grinned charmingly.

She tried to supress the laugh that wanted to force it's way from her lips, nearly choking on her food in the process.

"Something fucking funny?"

"No... I'm sorry. It's just no one has used the word pretty to describe me in a long time. Just sounds... wrong".

"Oh it's most certainly mother fucking right" he growled. "You are beautiful.... stunningly fucking gorgeous. And believe me Sherry is god damn lucky that she didn't receive the same treatment as Dwighty-Boy for hitting you like she did".

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