Bakery Beauty Part 3 - Negan Au

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Valentina was busy getting ready for her date, with Josie on video call giving her tips on what to wear. Between the two of them they had settled on a nice casual red and white dress with a small black cardigan. Topped of with some red and black accessories and a pair of black ballet flats.

"Fuck Babe you look gorgeous" Josie gushed. "Negan won't be able to keep his eyes or his hands off you".

"That's the plan" Valentina chuckled. "It's nearly 6, he's gonna be here soon" she said nervously.

"Relax girl. You'll be fine. Just try to keep your nerves in check. And be careful what you let slip. You don't want him to think you are desperate" she laughed.

"Hey! I'm not desperate!" She scolded.

"I know... but it has been a while. And you do have a tendency to blurt shit out before your filter kicks in" Josie giggled.

"Tell me about it" V laughed as her doorbell chimed. "He's here!" She squeaked.

"Go get em tiger" Josie grinned.

"Thanks girl. Bye" she replied before ending the call. "Just a minute!" She called out as she took one last look in the mirror, straightening her hair and smoothing out her dress.

You totally got this V. Deep breaths.

Walking to the door she opened it to find Negan on the other side, wearing a pair of black trousers and a black shirt with the sleeves neatly folded up. His short hair was slicked back and his salt and pepper beard neatly trimmed. He looked even more impossibly handsome than he had that morning when he stopped by the shop for his usual coffee.

"Hi" she smiled nervously, a blush creeping up on her cheeks.

"Wow... Valentina... you look fucking stunning" he grinned, his hazel eyes lit up as he took in her appearance. It was a far cry from her usual bakery attire.

"Thanks" she blushed. "You scrub up pretty well yourself".

"You ready to go?"

"Sure, I'll just grab my clutch" she smiled, ducking back inside for a second before returning and locking her door behind her.

"Shall we?" He said as he offered his arm which she gladly took.

"Such a gentleman" she smiled making him grin.

He walked her to his new truck and opened the door for her, helping her in before jumping in the drivers side. "I thought about bringing my bike, but I thought the truck would be easier, especially if you were wearing a dress".

"Good thinking. So where are we headed?"

"A nice little Italian restaurant. You'll love it".

They made comfortable small talk as he drove them the short distance to the restaurant. Once again showing of his gentlemanly side as he opened doors for her. Taking a seat at a nice quiet table in the corner they surveyed the menu's before deciding what they wanted and placing their order.

Negan could tell she was nervous by the way she was fiddling with the black beaded bracelet around her wrist. "Relax V" he whispered as he took her hand in his. "You don't have to be nervous. I don't bite... unless you fucking want me to" he winked mischievously, making her blush furiously. He loved that about her.

"Now how am I supposed to relax when you go saying shit like that" she teased.

"I'm sorry. I just like seeing you blush" Negan grinned.

"Well you certainly have a knack for making that happen".

"It's not the only thing I have a knack for" he said with a suggestive tone.

"If you keep that up, I won't make it through dinner" she giggled.

"You're fucking adorable when you laugh".

"So, how did you find my bakery?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Buddy of mine at the shop told me about it. He said the food was great and the girl who worked there was hot" he chuckled. "Sure enough he was right... about both".

'So much for changing the subject. This man is determined to get under my skin. I don't think I've stopped blushing the whole time we've been here. He is enjoying it way too much. Fucking tease.'

"You're such a sweet talker".

"I can't help it when you're so fucking sweet" he grinned.

'Well he's certainly not shy about expressing how into me he is. Honesty is a good thing. At least I know where he stands. I don't have to worry so much about coming on too strong when the man is telling me he thinks I'm beautiful every five seconds.'

Just then their food arrived and they tucked in, making some more small talk as they ate. When they finished their meal they ordered some dessert and another couple of drinks.

"You know... I wanted to ask you out from the moment I saw you" Negan smiled.

"You did?"

"Damn fucking straight I did".

"So why did you wait a month?"

"Because when I flirted with you, you were oblivious. I thought you weren't into me" he chuckled.

"Don't take it personally. As my best friend once told me I don't know a guys is into me even when his tongue is in my mouth" she laughed. "And I definitely was into you" she smiled shyly.

"It wasn't until the third day I came in that I realised you were just shy. The more I kept coming in, the more you seemed to like me. And the more I flirted with you, the more you would get that cute fucking blush creep across your pretty face. I wanted to make sure that when I did finally ask you out, you wouldn't fucking turn me down" Negan chuckled.

"No chance" V giggled. "You're a patient man Negan".

"When I have something worth waiting for" he smiled charmingly.

When their dessert arrived they ate slowly, enjoying eachothers company, not wanting the night to end. Negan insisted on paying for the meal, and walked her back out to his truck. He took the long way back to her house, not ready to say goodbye yet. Pulling up outside her place, he helped her out of the truck and ever the gentleman, walked her to her door.

"Thank you for coming out tonight Beautiful. I had a great fucking time with you" he smiled.

"Me too. I'm glad you didn't give up on me".

"Wouldn't ever fucking dream of it" he smiled as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss to her perfect pink lips.

The sweet and simple kiss turned into another, and then another. Before they knew it they were both breathless and panting.

"I should go before I get too carried away" Negan smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Valentina unlocked her door and pushed it open. Grabbing his hand she slowly pulled him inside, a shy smile plastered on her face and he looked at her questioningly with his eyebrow cocked. The last thing she wanted was to end the night there.

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