Do Me Coach - Negan AU

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Annabella's favourite class was always Physical Education. She was naturally athletic and excelled at anything to do with sports. But the real reason it was her favourite... Coach Negan. The 6ft 2 man was slender, and dangerously handsome with his dark hair and salt and pepper beard. Not to mention his 'come fuck me' smile complete with dimples. He had all the girls drooling over him, and Annabella was convinced that secretly he loved it. Despite being somewhere in his forties, he was practically irresistible to every seventeen and eighteen year old girl in his class, including her.

Not only did he teach P.E class, but this year he had been appointed coach of the girls baseball team. Negan was a hard ass teacher to say the least, he always pushed them. As he said it, "If you aren't sweating your balls off, you're not fucking working hard enough"... never mind the fact that this was girls P.E and none of them had balls.

Right from day one Annabella took it upon herself to sass Coach Negan practically every chance she got. It entertained her when he got riled up, and when she would catch that little smirk tug at his lips it gave her a sense of satisfaction, she knew he loved it. She had always been a bit of a trouble maker growing up, and sometimes her quick wit and smart mouth got her in trouble. Probably more than she would like to admit. But with Coach Negan he would just give back as good as he got from her and then some. Rarely did he actually punish her for her sassy attitude, he quite enjoyed having someone call him out every now and then, and he secretly enjoyed the banter between them... even if it did get a little inappropriate at times.

And today was no different. Negan had the girls outside playing baseball, not many of the class were actually on the team but it gave him a chance to work on his coaching. And being the last class of the day he couldn't be fucked doing much else.

"Annabella, you're up pitching. Let's go!" Negan called out and she casually wandered onto the mound and caught the ball he tossed her way. "Give it your best" he instructed.

Winding her arm back Annabella tossed the ball in a half-assed kind of way toward the batter who had to lunge to try and hit it, but still missed.

"What in the hell was that... you're throwing like a fucking girl!" Negan growled.

"I don't know if you noticed Coach... but I am a fucking girl" Annabella quipped as she grabbed her breasts in a dramatic fashion, as if to display her womanhood.

"Don't sass me Annabella. I know for a fact you can throw better than that. Give me a proper pitch or you'll be running laps for the rest of the lesson" Negan threatened.

"Yes sir!" She grinned with a cheeky salute as she caught the ball he tossed back to her. Winding up she threw a hard curveball.

"Strike" Negan called. "Much better"

She threw her way through a few more batters, not one of them hitting a decent ball before she was swapped out for another pitcher and Negan called her over.

"Why in the fuck are you not on the baseball team?" He questioned.

"I dunno" she shrugged.

"You should be... with an arm like that. You'd be the star pitcher"

"Not sure if baseball is my game".

"Bullshit. Any sport is your game. Your a natural born athlete. Think about it alright?"

"Sure thing coach".

When it was her turn to hit Annabella once again went to her default of pretending like she was no good. She wasn't really sure why she did this. Maybe she just liked to piss off Coach Negan. Maybe she liked the attention she got from him because of it.

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