Gentleman - Harvey Russell

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I'm back after a wee break. Hope you enjoy this new story.

After the events during the battle of the monsters in the city, Harvey found himself in possession of the secret laptop from Energyne. He knew that he should probably turn it over as evidence, but at the same time he wasn't sure who he could trust. If he handed it over to the same assholes that were going to bomb the city, they would be likely to weaponize it and use it just as the Wydens had. So he turned to the only person smart enough that he could trust.

"Good Morning Miss Collins" Harvey greeted cheerfully as he entered the laboratory. "How are we this fine morning?" He asked with a charming grin.

"Good Morning Harvey. I'm great, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing just fine thank you Ma'am" he smiled.


"Yes Ma'am?"

"How many times have I told you, you don't have to call me Ma'am, my name is Alicia".

"Many times Alicia" he grinned as her name rolled off his tongue. "Force of habit. I'm just an old fashioned gentleman" he smiled.

"I like that about you" she confessed.

"Do you now?"

"I do"

"Good to know" he smiled cockily.

"What brings you to my lab today?"

"Other than your draw dropping smile?" He teased. "I need your help".

"Oh really? Big bad gunslinger Harvey Russell needs help from little old me?" She quipped in her best southern cowgirl voice.

"Why yes Ma'am I do" he chuckled.

"What do you need?"

"I have this laptop, taken from Energyne. There is all kinds of nasty shit on here and I need that brain of yours to dumb it down for this old cowboy. I need to know exactly what I'm dealing with so I can either destroy it so that it never sees the light of day, or put it in the right hands" he explained.

"Let me take a look" she smiled as she turned on the laptop. Harvey watched on as she tapped away on the keyboard sifting through all the information. "Woah" she whispered as she looked up at him.

"It's some bad shit right?"

"Oh it is most definitely some bad shit. Harvey this is not good at all. This can alter beings on a genetic level. "You've seen Captain America right?"

"Of course" he grinned. "Are you saying this is like the super soldier serum?"

"I'm saying this is like the super soldier serums mutant cousin..."

"That bad huh?"

"Yup. It can make something bigger, faster and stronger... but it can also make them psychotic, and mutate them. There are no good hands for this Harvey. This can only mean bad things. If used for military applications it could cause World War three, or the end of mankind itself".

"So we destroy it?" He suggested.

"We should. It's the right thing to do".

"Okay then. All yours Ma'am. What's the best way to do this?"

"I'll scrub the hard drive clean, delete everything on it, then we incinerate it" Alicia told him.

"Sounds like a plan" he agreed, and she began her work clearing any information from the laptop and Harvey looked on. He enjoyed watching her work. He loved the way her brow furrowed a little when she concentrated, and the cute little smile she got when she achieved something was beyond adorable.

"Done" she smiled at him.

"And that's why you're the best Darlin'" he grinned. "Right... incinerator?"


"Let me escort you" Harvey smiled.

"So chilvalrous" she giggled.

"Just what a lady deserves" he told her as they made their way down to the basement where the incinerator was.

"Would you like to do the honours?" Alicia smiled as she held the laptop out to him.

"Don't mind if I do" he grinned as he took it and tossed it into the flames and slammed the door closed.

"Good work" she smiled.

"You did all the complicated part Darlin" he grinned charmingly.

"Harvey... when are you going to stop beating around the bush?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I know you're a good old fashioned gentleman, but I'm a modern gal... you don't have to 'court' me" she giggled.

"Right. In that case, Alicia... would you like to come for a drink with me?" He asked with a smile.

"I'd love to" she grinned. "See, now was that so hard?" She teased.

"Not at all. But maybe I enjoyed 'courting' you" he chuckled making her laugh.

Leaning in she placed a quick and gentle kiss to his lips. "Well maybe you will enjoy dating me even more" she said with a wink.

"Oh I most certainly will" Harvey grinned.

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