Those Green Eyes Pt2

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Part 2 as requested.
Hope you guys like it.

The following night as Zoey was finishing up her shift at the restaurant she made her way out the door, tucking her apron into her bag, before checking her phone.

"Evening" came a deep and familiar voice. She turned to see the man from the night before leaning up against the wall with his hands in his pockets. He looked rediculously attractive.

"Negan? Are you stalking me now?" She teased. If it had been anyone else she'd have been worried. But for some reason his presence made her feel safer.

"Maybe just a little" he chuckled. "I thought maybe you'd like some company as you walk home? I don't trust half the fucking assholes on these streets" Negan told her

"That makes two of us. I- I could use some company" she smiled shyly.

"Great" Negan smiled as he pushed himself off the wall. "How was work?"

"Busy, but good. This is just a part time job. By day I teach violin".

"No shit? That's fucking cool. Maybe you could play for me some time? I would love to hear that".

"Maybe one day I will" she smiled. "S-so what do you do? You know when you're not stalking random woman at their place of work?" Zoey teased.

"I'm a high school coach" he smiled charmingly.

"Really? Not what I would have picked" she smiled, pleasantly surprised. "What sport?"

"Mostly baseball, but I help out with basketball too".

"Do you enjoy it?"

"Yeah. Most of the time. Some kids can be little shit heads though" he laughed.

"Sounds like high school".

"You didn't enjoy it?"

"I was a scrawny, pale skinned, red head who played the violin..." she quipped.

"Was?" He teased.

"Shut up" she laughed as she smacked his arm playfully.

"Just fucking with you Sweetheart. You're gorgeous" he grinned devilishly.

"Where's your friend tonight?"

"Who Simon?"

"That pornstache looking dude" she laughed.

"Pornstache!" Negan boomed with laughter. "I'll have to remember that one".

"Seriously... he looks like he starred in 70s pornos" Zoey giggled.

"He sure as shit does. I bet he was the naughty plumber" Negan laughed with a wink. "I blew him off tonight to come see you" he grinned.

"Now why would you go an do a thing like that?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I dunno" she said shyly.

"Have you eaten?"

"Not yet".

"Wanna grab a bite? My treat" Negan smiled.

"Yeah sure, why not?"

They stopped of at a near by diner, and took a seat in one of the booths. After a few moments a waitress approached to take their order.

"What will it be tonight?" She smiled politely.

Negan looked to Zoey, waiting for her to order first. "Umm, I'll grab some spicy wings with a side of fries and a banana milkshake please".

"Sure thing honey, and you Sir?"

"I'll have a double cheeseburger with fries and a glass of coke please".

"Absolutely. Coming right up" the waitress smiled before heading towards the kitchen.

"Spicy wings huh?"

"I like things hot" she smiled, not meaning for it to come out nearly as suggestive as it did.

"Oh I bet you do" he grinned devilishly, throwing in a cheeky wink.

"Are you always this forward?" She grinned.

"Yeah... pretty much. I don't see much point beating around the bush... I'd rather just go straight for the bush". He chuckled, making her burst out with laughter. "What?" He said innocently.

"Bush? Really?"

"What do you call it? Coz I got all the names under the sun Sweetheart. Would you prefer I called it a pussy" he practically purred, making her turn a light shade of pink.

"No" she giggled.

"Really, what about... a vag? Snatch? Clam? Meat wallet?" He laughed. "I could do this all day" he teased.

"Shush!" She giggled uncontrollably as she leaned over the table and clamped her hand over his mouth. "Stop talking!" Zoey laughed as she carefully released her hand, hoping he wouldn't continue with his listing of vagina nicknames in public, as hilarious as she found it.

"But it's what I do best... well actually what I do best is... unspeakable things" he teased.

"You are too much!" She laughed.

The waitress returned with their food and placed it down on the table. "Enjoy" she smiled.

"Thanks" Zoey replied.

"Thank you Ma'am" Negan smiled charmingly.

Zoey hadn't realised just how hungry she was until she smelt the food in front of her. Picking up one of the spicy wings she took a bite and savoured it as she chewed, swallowing it down with a quiet moan of appreciation.

"Damn girl! If food makes you moan... you must be loud as fuck in the bedroom" Negan teased.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She teased boldly.

"I fucking would actually" he winked, making her blush.

"How's your burger?" She asked changing the subject before she turned the shade of a tomato.

"Pretty damn good" he grinned before taking another large bite.

After they finished their meal they sat talking for a while before Zoey decided she should probably get home. She was giving a lesson first thing in the morning.

"Thank you for dinner" she smiled as they neared her apartment.

"My pleasure Sweetheart" Negan grinned.

"You gonna stalk me again tomorrow?"

"Absolutely" he chuckled.

"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow then" Zoey smiled shyly before standing up on her tiptoes and pressing a soft kiss to Negan's cheek.

"See you tomorrow Sweetheart" Negan beamed.

God he had it bad. This girl was just something else. She was nothing like the half-cut skanks, unable to hold their liquor, who threw themselves at him at the bars. She was real. She was sweet, shy and funny. Zoey enjoyed his dirty sense of humour. As much as he wanted her, he was in no hurry. He was determined to make her fall for him. After all, who could resist his charm?

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