A Saviour - Negan

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Story request from PurpleIsTheNewOrange. Hope I did the idea justice for you 😁.

Alice and what was left of her group were scavenging in what used to be a small town convenience store. There wasn't a lot left but they took anything they could find. Their safe house had been over run by a herd a couple weeks back and they had been on the road ever since looking for a new place to hold up.

The four of them were busy stuffing things into their backpacks when they heard a gunshot from outside.

"James!" Anne screamed as she ran toward the gunfire where her husband was keeping watch, only to be shot herself as she made it out of the door.

"The rest of you best come out now" a man's voice warned. "Throw your weapons out first".

"Fuck you!" Alice countered.

"Well now that's not very polite. You're outnumbered, we know there are only three of you left in there" the man laughed.

"Then you'll just have to come and get us" she spat as she looked to Geoff and Malcolm who were stood either side of her guns at the ready. They gave her a nod and each of them took cover behind whatever they could find.

"So be it!" Called the voice.

One by one five men stormed in through the door, they took out four of them but the fifth one got a shot off injuring Geoffrey before Alice shot the guy in the head.

"Your men are dead asshole. Back the fuck off or you all die" she warned.

"Oh I very much doubt that" the man laughed.

Another four men came through the door, one of them finishing off the already injured Geoff, and another taking out Malcolm.

"Mother fucker!" Alice screamed as she emptied her clip in to the remaining men as a few more came through the door. She did her best to fight them off but she was no match for three big burly men. "Get your filthy hands off me!" She yelled as they dragged her out into the street and threw her to the man she assumed had been doing all the talking.

"You killed a lot of my men. I'm not sure whether to be pissed or impressed" the man sneered.

"You're next asshole" she spat.

"You are feisty... we could make use of a woman like you" he said as he hauled her to her feet and very creepily inhaled the scent of her hair.

"Like fuck you will" she growled as she threw her head forward connecting with the man's nose with a sickening crack.

He stumbled backwards clutching his face. "Bitch!" He screamed as blood poured from his nose. "You'll die just like your friends" he sneered as he slapped her hard across the face. Grabbing her by the throat he spun himself around her body and held a large hunting knife to her throat. "Any last words you fucking smart ass bitch?"

Alice stayed silent.

"Hey asshole! I got some words for ya!" Came a deep voice as smooth as honey.

Suddenly shots rang out and the remaining men dropped to the ground. The guy turned them around, knife still at her throat, to see a tall and slender man in a leather jacket saunter towards them, a barbed wire covered baseball bat swinging casually in his hand. He looked so confident and fearless.

"Didn't your Mumma ever teach you it's wrong to hurt a woman?" He growled.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man asked, trying to hide the obvious fear in his voice. "Back off or I'll kill this bitch!"

"I am Negan... and I'm in charge around here. This here..." he said as he swung his bat dramatically. "This is Lucille... she's a vampire bat. And let me tell you she is thirsty!" He chuckled.

"Me and this bitch are leaving, try to stop us and I'll slit her damn throat" the man spat.

"You okay there Darlin?" He asked and she gave a small nod. "This will all be over soon don't you worry your pretty little head" Negan grinned charmingly at her as their eyes connected... and damn if that beautiful dimpled smile didn't do things to her.

"I'm warning you asshole..." the man growled.

Alice looked at Negan, her eyes locking with his, she tried her best to gesture with her hands what she was about to do and she hoped he understood. Without wasting another second, she thrust her hands upwards, pushing the knife away from her neck and she dropped down to the ground out of the way.

Instantly Negan lunged forward swinging his bat hard at the man's head splitting his skull open. He dropped to the ground, trying to hold his head. Negan stood over him glaring. "Never put your hands on a woman you worthless sack of shit!" He growled as he proceeded to bash the man until he was well and truly dead.

Taking his red scarf from around his neck he wiped the blood off his face before turning to the young woman who was still sat on the ground. He offered her a hand which she willingly took and he pulled her up on to her feet.

"Thank you Negan... if you didn’t come along I'd be dead" she spoke.

"You're welcome Sweetheart" he grinned as he looked into her bright green eyes.  "I can't stand men who hurt women".

"Aren't you sweet" she teased.

Negan laughed heartily. "Sweet ain't a word people use to describe me Darlin. What's your name Beautiful?"


"Pleasure to meet you Alice. You have a group?"

"These assholes killed what was left of them" she said sadly.

"How about you come back with me then?"

"Inviting me back to your place already? That's a bit forward... maybe you should a gal dinner first" she teased, making him laugh again and she loved the sound.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out something wrapped in plastic and placed it in her hand. "Dinner" he smiled. "Now will you come back with me?"

Alice looked down at her hand to see a chocolate bar, one of her favourites before the world went to shit.

"You sure know the way to a girls heart" she teased. "I'm all yours" she smiled.

"Those are dangerous words Sweetheart" he chuckled.

"These are dangerous times" she grinned.

"I like you" he laughed.

"It's my winning charm and quick wit" she quipped.

"Come on Sweetheart, jump in" he said as a truck pulled up next to them and he opened the door for her before swapping places with the guy in the driver's seat.

"So where we headed?" She asked.

"The Sanctuary" he smiled.

"Sounds nice"

"Sounds better than it is... but it's safe" he laughed.

"It's could use safe" Alice smiled.

"Stick with me Darlin... I promise I'll keep you safe" he smiled charmingly, and she trusted that he was a man of his word.

I'll be taking a break from updating for a wee while.
I lost someone dear to me yesterday and I need some time to grieve.
I will be back, I promise.

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