Saving Indianna - Negan AU

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Indianna had been dating her boyfriend Jason for a couple of months when she began to notice that he had become more and more controlling. At first it was just a hint of jealousy whenever another guy would look at her or talk to her. Then he started to tell her what she should and shouldn't wear, when she was allowed to go out and who with. It got to the point that she stopped making plans with her friends all together. Deep down she knew that he was no good for her, but for some stupid reason she just couldn't make herself leave. No matter how mad he made her, she would always see the good in him.

Jason began insisting on taking her along to get togethers with his friends, afraid that if he were to leave her alone she would go out and cheat on him. It didn't matter how much she told him that it wouldn't happen, she wasn't a cheater, his insecurities always got the better of him.

They were at a BBQ at Johnny's house for the Superbowl and that was the first time she met Negan. From what she could tell, he and Jason weren't particularly close but they obviously had mutual friends. She wasn't exactly sure what it was about the tall stranger, but she found herself drawn to him. Maybe it was his charming smile with those dimples, or his confident swagger. He was everything that Jason wasn't and the idea excited her. Of course she would never cheat on Jason, but there was no harm in just looking right? At least that was what she thought.

She watched the man from across the patio as she stood next to her boyfriend who was chatting to one of the other guys about the teams playing that night while he manned the grill. That was when her lingering stare caught Jason's attention.

"Babe... get me another beer" he ordered as he handed her the empty bottle, breaking her concentration on Negan who had also just caught her staring at him.

"Yeah sure" she mumbled in reply as she walked inside to the beer fridge. As she stood in the kitchen she contemplated walking out. Why was she even with this guy? He treated her like she was his damn slave and he never had a nice thing to say about her. She wondered if it was because of her upbringing, growing up with abusive alcoholic parents had killed her spirit. She had learnt very early on that it was easier to just do as she was told, submit to what they wanted or she would suffer worse for it.

"Where's my fucking beer?" Jason growled as he walked through the door.

"Sorry... I got distracted" she mumbled as she handed him the cold bottle.

"Yeah? Staring at fucking Negan?"

"I wasn't-" she began only to be cut off.

"You fucking were... just remember who you fucking belong to" he hissed in her ear before walking back out onto the patio just as Negan came sauntering in. Jason turned around and gave her a look that said 'you better fucking follow me and don't even think about talking to him' so she quietly obeyed.

But before she made it to the door Negan stopped her in her tracks, pretending to bump into her like he hadn't seen her there. "Sorry Darlin'" he smiled charmingly.

"That's ok" she whispered quietly, avoiding eye contact with the man.

"You know a beautiful woman like you deserves so much better than that asshole" he whispered and she looked up at him seeing the seriousness in his face, he must have over heard the way he spoke to her. She gave him a quick smile and ducked off back outside to be with Jason.

"What did he just say to you?" Jason hissed angrily.

"He just apologised for bumping into me. He said he should watch where he is going" she covered quickly.

"I don't want you talking to Negan" he growled demandingly.

"Okay" she mumbled in reply.

The rest of the night went by without incident, Indianna kept her distance from Negan, only stealing quick glances when Jason was too busy watching the game, and she often found Negan already looking at her and he would give her a small smile before she would quickly look away in embarrassment. Negan's words kept echoing in her mind, although she had never thought of herself as beautiful, she wondered if he was right, maybe she did deserve better.

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