Those Green Eyes Pt3

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It had been two weeks since Negan and Zoey had met, and every night she worked he had been there afterward to escort her home. They had exchanged numbers on the third night so that she could tell him if her shifts changed or she wasn't working that day. Very soon they were talking all the time. Zoey loved Negan's sense of humour, and he was pleased to find someone who appreciated his dirty mind.

Despite having a record as an absolute man whore Negan had been nothing but a gentleman. It took him a week to work himself up to even kiss her goodnight. He wasn't sure what it was about her, she seemed so perfect, so pure and angelic and the last thing he wanted to do was fuck up their relationship... or whatever this thing was.

So every night when Zoey was working Negan would meet her outside afterwards, walk her to her door and kiss her goodnight. With each passing day their conversations became deeper, as did their goodnight kisses.

Negan had even told her about his late wife Lucille, and she began to understand why Negan had been so scared about starting something new. Afraid to let someone else in. When he first met her he told himself that he was going to make her fall for him, what he didn't realise was how hard he was going to fall for her.

As usual they arrived at Zoey's door and Negan leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips. Drawing back he smiled sweetly at her. Threading her hands through his hair she kissed him again, more deeply this time.

"Come in?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Of course" Zoey smiled.

"Alright then" Negan said as he followed her inside.

"You want a drink?"

"No thanks Sweetheart. I been trying not to drink. Relied on it a little too much over the past couple of fucking years" he admitted.

"Fair enough. Make yourself at home. I'm just gonna quickly change out of my work clothes" she told him as she disappeared down the other end of the house.

Negan wandered around her living room looking at the pictures she had displayed. He grinned when he came across one of her in high school, holding her violin as her parents stood proudly behind her, their arms around her shoulders.

"I'd just won't the regional high school music competition" Zoey told him as she walked over to see what he was looking at.

"Cute. You're parents look so proud".

"They are. Well... about my violin accomplishments at least"

"What aren't they proud about?"

"My parents are old school. And religious. Apparently I should be married with kids by now" she laughed. "My Mum is always trying to set me up with her friend from church's son, Jack".

"Oh so I've got competition then?" Negan teased.

"I doubt it. Jack is so not my type" she laughed.

"So, what is your type?"

"You..." she smiled shyly.


"That surprises you?"

"I mean... yeah a little" Negan laughed. "I know I'm easy on the eyes... but my fucking personality is a bit of an aquired taste" he chuckled.

"I like your personality. I know I can always count on you to be honest. You tell it how it is" she smiled.

"Suppose I do" he chuckled.

"You once said you don't beat around the bush... but I'm curious. Why haven't you made a move? You've made no secret about the kind of life you've lived. Your... man-whoring ways" she teased.

"It's different with you".

"Different how?"

"I like you. And... I care about you. You're not just some cheap hook up in a sleezy bar, you're-" he said before stopping himself.

"I'm what?"

"Perfect" he finished. She snorted back a small laugh in response. "I'm serious".

"I'm am far from perfect trust me".

"Not to me Sweetheart. From the minute I saw you... damn those green eyes.  Fuck you had me hooked. I knew I wanted you there and then" Negan confessed.

"And now?"

"Now I want you more than ever".

"Good... coz I want you too" she smiled shyly.

"Whatever would your church going mother have to say" he teased.

"I don't care" Zoey laughed. Negan stepped forward and grasped her face in his hands, kissing her deeply. "Play something for me?" He whispered as he nodded to her violin in the corner.


"Yeah. I'm dying to hear it".

"I'll make you a deal..."

"What's that Sweetheart?"

"I'll play something for you, and you stop... beating around the bush" she teased using his own words against him.


Zoey picked up her violin  and readied herself to play as Negan took a seat on the sofa in front of her. As she started to play the beautiful sounds of The Phantom of the Opera filled the room and Negan was completely entranced. She looked so beautiful and graceful when she played and he expected nothing less. She swayed softly as she played, as though the music was flowing from her entire body. She truly was an angel. A beautiful red headed, green eyed Angel... and there was no way he could hold himself back from her any longer. He had to have her, in every possible way that he could. He needed her, in a way that he had never needed anything or anyone in his entire life. Negan was hopelessly and utterly hooked on Zoey, and he hoped by the end of the night she would feel the same way about him.

Thanks for reading everyone. I have a fourth part planned for this.

I would like you all to keep my country, New Zealand, in your thoughts and prayers. On Friday our little island nation experienced its first ever terrorist attack in the city nearest to me. 50 innocent people have lost their lives, including women and children. Our entire country is heartbroken.

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