Broken Heart - Denny Duquette

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Piper was at the local grocery store, going about her shopping as usual. Reaching up towards the top shelf she attempted to grab the last tube of her favourite Pringles, but she couldn't quite reach. She'd had a shitty week at work, her boss had been on her ass constantly and she was tired of it. All she wanted was to curl up on the sofa with her favourite snacks and watch movies.

"Son of a bitch" she growled in frustration as she banged her fist against the shelves.

"Everything okay there?" Came a deep and gruff voice. Turning around she saw a rather tall man standing behind her, his hands in his pockets. He had scruffy hair and a cute smile on his face. "Those crisps giving you a hard time?" He teased.

"I can't reach" she said with an exasperated kind of chuckle as she pointed to the tube sitting on the top shelf.

"Let me help" he smiled as he effortlessly grabbed it down and handed it to her.

"Thanks" she grinned shyly.

"No problem" he replied with another heart melting smile before he continued on down the aisle.

A few aisles later Piper was busy reading a label when she bumped into someone, sending her on her ass. "Shit... sorry" she mumbled as she got to her feet only to find it was the same man from before.

"Hello again" he grinned. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were stalking me... I'm Denny by the way".

"Piper" she smiled.

"Pretty name for a pretty woman" he flirted, making her blush.

"You always chat up ladies at the grocery store?" Piper teased.

"Only the really pretty ones" he smiled charmingly.

"Smooth" she chuckled.

"You think so?" He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous kind of laugh.

"Definitely... well it was nice to meet you Denny. Promise I won't stalk you... much" she teased.

"Oh feel free to" he laughed as he continued on down the aisle.

As Piper finished packing her groceries in the car she took the shopping cart back and that's when she spotted Denny a few car spaces down. He'd just closed the trunk of his car and appeared to be clutching at his chest, something didn't look right.  Surely he wasn't having a heart attack? He was way too young for that!

"Denny! A-are you okay?" She said as she rushed over to him as he tried to steady himself against the car, unable to stay on his feet he slid down to the ground, sitting up as he struggled to breathe. "Oh shit... Denny?" She said as she held his face in her hands, his eyes were filled with pain before they began to glazed over and he slumped to the ground in her arms. "Oh god... Oh god" Piper cried. "Help! Someone please!" She screamed out as she tried to check for a pulse.

"Is he ok?" A man asked as he came rushing over.

"I- I dunno. Please call an ambulance" Piper almost yelled at him.

"Denny? Denny can you hear me?" She said as she tapped on his cheek trying to wake him, but she got no response. "Oh shit... please don't die" she muttered as she leaned down and listened for his breathing. She couldn't hear anything. "Oh fuck... fuck" she panicked.

"Is he breathing?" The man asked as he was on the phone to emergency services.

"I don't know... I don't think so"

He relayed that information to the person on the other end. "Does he have a pulse?"

"It feels weak"

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Collection حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن