Chapter 48 - Morning of Decision

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The next day...

I call the Famille' members out to the living room for a meeting.


"We heard you had something to tell us..."


Taking a deep breath...I begin to speak.

"I want to discuss giving Famille' up to the more time."

The color of their faces changes in a flash.

Seeing those pained expressions, hurts me to...but somehow I put it to words.

"That is...everyone else giving this place up..."


The three nod slightly at my words while the room is filled up with sullen silence.

Seeing that...Miyoko and Rei freeze in shock.

"N-no way...why..."


Before Raika can say anything, Yomiko's feeling burst.

"Everyone, why!"

"I...don't want to be separated from this house!"

"I can't surrender it as easily as all of you!"

With that, Raika's expression stiffens at those words.

Though seeming slightly lost...she speaks with an earnest expression, as though her mind is made up,

"It's not like it's easy for us to surrender the Famille."

"We thought about it as seriously as you two, before making a decision."


This time, it's Rei who stand in the verge of tears.

" that the only answer...?"

"And giving up this place is not a decision for you to make Mina."

(I know that...)

"I can't even think about leaving this place!"


"You and Mina are both orphan Yuu, you guys have no place to go if you give up this place."

As Rei murmurs, Yomiko directs her gaze at her.

"I love this house, the bond we made and the memories we share, I can't give that up easily!"

"The place where I met everybody, lived...and gathered so many memories!"

"That's right!"

"W-Won't you all be sad if you leave this place!"

"That we won't be able to live together anymore!"

I'm nearly pushed back by the tow and their feelings.

But I desperately search for words, and convey my feelings.

"Miyoko ,Rei..."

"It's not just this house...that links us a family."

I continue my words, without moving my eyes from Miyoko and Rei.

"I'm sad we won't be able to live together, but..."

"Even it comes to the point we lived apart, that doesn't mean will stop being a family..."

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now