- Prologue -

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- Night time - 

- Serena's POV - 

Having left my home on the moon and travelling to New Vestroia once more...when I arrived it was a complete ghost town...just like the last time I was here but when you get to one of the cities you feel less lonely.

"New Vestroia has become a ghost town...in such a short amount of time the people of Vestal have completely subdued the bakugan...what they have done is cruel...are they unaware that the bakugan are intelligent beings?." I said.

"Princess it will be alright...my people will be free one day and peace will return to my home." Luna said.

Luna's right but first we should be concentrating on finding the six legendary bakugan...whatever ones are remaining anyway.

"Luna can you track down the remaining legendary bakugan?" I asked.

"I will try princess." Luna replied.

While Luna was working I recalled the past events...when I left the castle and took the sacred treasure the imperium silver crystal. Its power is unrivaled to anything not even the power of the perfect core and only members of the royal family have the ability to harness and use the power of the crystal, if anyone besides myself were to try they would utterly fail. I wasn't allowed to leave the palace under any circumstances but I left anyway and went to New Vestroia on multiple occasions. Even Luna who had left her home thousands of years ago and came to the moon and then became its protector, I met her a long time ago when I was a child and left the safety of the palace grounds and had wandered to the outskirts of the city and that's when I met Luna for the first time. We became close...partners and she agreed to come with me to help save the bakugan, not only is she my guardian and advisor, Luna is a dear friend to me and one I could not bare to lose.

"Princess I have completed the search." Luna said.      

"What have you found?" I asked.

"I can sense the presence of two strong bakugan and one of them resembles that of Tigrerra one of the six fighting bakugan...and they're close so do be cautious princess." Luna said.

"I am well aware...Luna." I replied.

- A few minutes later - 

When we arrived there was a battle going on between two bakugan and not on friendly terms with one another. I could faintly see Tigrerra in ball form floating around one of the battlers...could he be protecting her? In any case I must interfere with the battle even if it goes against Lunafreya's wishes.

- Baron's POV - 

"Give up Baron?" Spectra smirked.

"As if, ability activate Pyra Might!" I shouted while Nemus raised his staff and encased himself in a shield of light. 

"Take them Helios, ability activate Burst Core!" Helios broke the shield and sent a fire blast towards Nemus.

"No Nemus!" I shouted. 

"Focus Baron we have a battle to win." Tigrerra said then she turned into her ball form and I threw her into the battle. 

"So your the last of the six fighting bakugan." Helios said.

"I may be the last but Drago and Wavern sacrificed too much for this world." Tigrerra said while getting into a fighting stance. 

- Serena's POV - 

I could no longer watch this, it looked like the boy fighting with Tigrerra was losing to the other the other.

"Luna will you...support me no matter what?" I asked.

"I will follow you wherever the road might lead you princess." She replied. 

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

  And with that we headed towards the battlefield ready to help Tigrerra. 

"It looks like you could use some assistance." I yelled towards the boy fighting with Tigrerra.

Luna Turned into ball form and I threw her into the battle.

"Bakugan brawl! Bakugan stand, rise Haos Lunafreya protector of Millennium!

 "Who are you? are you my enemy?" The boy asked.

"I am here to assist you in helping protect Tigrerra but that is all.." I said 

I loaded an ability card into my gauntlet.

"Ability activate, Light of divine punishment!" This is an ability unique to Lunafreya it gives all Haos attribute bakugan a power boost of 200g's and it also negates the abilities of all other bakugan for a short period of time. 

the battle went on but in the end we lost Tigrerra, I had no choice but to hold back my power because if I had exposed myself then something disastrous could have happened.

"Luna are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes princess I am fine but Tigrerra on the other hand...sadly she has been captured by the enemy." Luna replied. 

I looked around to see the other boy on his knees crying at the loss of the battle when all of a sudden our opponent asked me a question.  

"You there...I can see that you are a skilled brawler but you were holding back...why?" He asked.

"It's none of your business." I replied.

"Then at least tell me your name." He said.

I hesitated for a moment and a single thought ran through my mind...is it a good idea to give my name to the enemy? But it would be impolite of me not to.  

"It's Serena...you can show the same courtesy by telling me yours." I said.

"Alright...i'm Spectra and I am sure we will meet again and when we do no holding back." He said with a smirk.

 "If fate allows it then yes...we shall meet again." I said.

Spectra then left with his prize, poor Tigrerra you and the rest of the six will be free as well as the rest of the bakugan. As I was about to leave I was confronted by the boy and his partnered bakugan. 

"Thanks for your help Nemus and I really appreciate it...oh yeah my names Baron and as you already know this is my partner Nemus." Baron said.

"As you know I'm Serena and this is my partner Lunafreya." I said.

"Nice to meet the both of you but anyways what are the two of you doing here anyway?" Baron asked.

"To fulfil my promise to Luna...we came here to save the bakugan, to free New Vestroia and set things back to the way they should be." I replied 

 I don't have much time until someone comes for me from the palace but even so I personally will not leave because it is also my wish to free the Bakugan. 

"Well we must be going then..." I said.

As we began to walk away Baron asked us if we would join the resistance...if they share the same passion that I do for the bakugan then I am more than willing to help them in their cause but first I must consult Luna. 

"Luna I know you said you would follow me anywhere but this time I want your opinion...what do you think of the resistance?" I asked.

"If their intentions are good then yes we should join." Luna replied. 

"Then it's set, Luna and I will join the resistance." I said with a smile. 

With this we are one step closer to freeing the bakugan but...we already know that it won't be an easy task. 

- Spectra's POV - 

It's strange that girl...where have I seen her before? Why was she holding back?

"What is it master Spectra?" Helios asked.

"It's nothing." I replied. 

- End of Prologue -   

- Just a quick note I will be adding a cover soon but not right now so please enjoy the story and I have already added the disclaimer in the bio - 


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