- Chapter 8: The plan? -

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- Serena's POV - 

"So tell me why is Ace and Shun battling and not me?" Dan asked. 

I sighed.

"For the last time Dan it's because you and Drago would draw too much attention which we currently don't need so it back and enjoy the show." I said. 

Mira, Baron, Dan, and I are currently sitting in the crowd watching as the battle generated power to the dimension controller, if we could somehow overload the controller it should cause an explosion destroying the controller. Once Ace and Shun's battle was over it was finally Marucho's turn in the singles match and his job was of the utmost importance, Marucho had to lose on purpose so he could let us in the back. Once Marucho opened the door and let us in we commenced with step two of the plan. We hid around a corner to spy on the guards and noticed that security was extra tight because of the Vexo's arrival, as we continued to spy we were caught and almost blown our cover until Mira acted as a fangirl and got the attention of the guards making them think that we were just merely fans. Once Mira got us away we all breathed a sigh of relief  and I personally never want to see that side of her ever again, Dan made fun of her and she wasn't taking it too well until we heard the voices of Shadow and Mylene and hid extra carefully. We then overheard Gus and Spectra talking to the guards while Dan nearly blew our cover yet again. 

"Spectra's here? I'm gonna challenge him." Dan said. 

Baron covered his mouth and dragged him away until we were in the corridor and started running.

'Why to go Dan." Baron said.

"keep it together if we get caught now it's over and I for one do not want to get caught." Marucho said. 

"Okay but the next time I see Spectra and Gus...i'm going to make them pay for what they did to you Serena." Dan said. 

"For the last time I said it's okay already, thanks to that battle Luna was able to evolve and become much stronger." I said while smiling towards Dan. 

Although Now Spectra knows what i'm hiding and can only guess what he plans to do next.

- Later - 

We stopped and took a breather and noticed the cheering. 

"I hope that's good cheering." Baron said. 

Marucho the turned on the display showing us the battle and by the looks of things not only were Ace and Shun not getting along but they were losing too. After finally making a plan Ace and Shun turned the tide of the battle and were now winning taking out both their opponents and proceeding to the finals against Volt and Lync. 

"Now that they've won it's our turn." Mira said as we all began to run in the direction of the control room. 

Now that they've entered into the finals I hope they can give us enough time to destroy the controller.

"What's up?" Dan asked me.

"Oh it's nothing don't worry about me, we should be focusing on the mission at hand." I said. 

Although I have a bad feeling that I can't shake easily. 

- To be continued - 

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