- Chapter 25: Suppression of worries -

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This Chapter is dedicated to @TheEagleGamerBG to thank them for their support, I really appreciate it and as such I decided to do this. Also a big thank you to everyone who has read this book plus all the votes for it makes me extremely happy to see that people like this book!!

Serenity's POV

After the battle with Spectra and Volts retreat we quickly rushed back to earth teleporting us to Marucho's house. As soon as we returned Runo and Julie were there to greet us including Shun.

"Shun's back."

Dan was happy now that Shun had returned from New Vestroia and fortunately he brought back some good news and some bad. He was ambushed by Link but was able to win and nothing could be done about the device imbedded in the ground.

"We should get inside and bring each other up to speed." Shun advised.

We made our way inside taking seats.

"There's no mistaking it, the vexos have a way of tracking the attribute energies and that's how they are able to track our every move. Luring us back to New Vestroia and Vestal what more proof could we need? it could be possible that they'll bring the fight to earth if they can't fight us on Vestal, what we need to do now is prepare for the upcoming battles ahead for this is a war we cannot afford lose." I said

"Serenity's right but we have to be careful since we already lost the Haos energy." Dan said.

"But we have to be smart about this, like I stated before this is a fight we must win otherwise the bakugan can kiss their lives goodbye and everything would have been for naught. 

It's horrible, in just a short amount of time the bakugan are once again forced into submission against their own will.

"It would be best for those such as myself to battle against the Vexos since I don't have an attributed energy to lose and that way we can minimize losses. Runo, Julie and I will be the first line of defence and only as a last resort will it be alright for you to battle."

Runo and Julie were quite eager and agreed right away with my plan, the others were reluctant to agree.

"I wouldn't have suggested this in the first place if I hadn't thought we were capable, you need to trust us and besides with the power Luna was bestowed with we have a higher chance of being able to push the Vexos back."

"Serenity maybe right, battling Vexos is too risky for us now." Shun agreed.

"They will be expecting us to come after them, maybe it's time for us to switch strategies, we should hide out for awhile and spend our time planning a sneak attack." Marucho suggested.

Mira agreed.

"If we have the element of surprise on our side we can get the upper hand."

"I don't know guys it would mean we'd be a bunch of sitting ducks." Dan said worriedly.

"What happens if they find us?" Baron said.

"Don't worry leave that to me, I always plan for all possible senecrios so awhile ago I found a way to create a shield to hide us as long as we stay inside the house the vexos will never be able to find us." Marucho explained.

Marucho didn't waste any time and immediately activated the shield.

"All systems are go, looks like the barrier shield is working."

Marucho sounded very pleased with himself.

"Now all we have to do is sit back and wait them out and before you say anything Dan we don't know how long we're going to have to wait and least we forget about Spectra as well."

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