- Chapter 15: Courage -

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- Just to let you guys know i'm not one for writing little notes like this I just get straight into the story and this (meaning what i'm writing now) will not occur every chapter. 

- Serena's POV - 

Looking back I never thought I'd have to battle against someone I loved and now my fears have come alive, I'm staring at the face of my closest friend. She had been twisted into something against her will and now is being forced to fight against the one she considers most important.


The words wouldn't come out, it had felt like my throat was bone dry to the point that talking was impossible. Whatever Spectra had done to her had made her lose her senses, she couldn't even recognise me and if I tried talking to her she'd only attack me. 

"My resolve won't change I will beat you Spectra and I will take Lunafreya back!" I yelled. 

"Try as you may but your no match for the power of the forbidden card chaos ability X, ability activate: Dianos Cocos X."

Artemis - 800G's 

Lunafreya - 1000G's

"We don't have much time Artemis so let's not waste anymore, ability activate: Shining Nova!" I called. 

Artemis - 1000G's 

Lunafreya - 1000G's

"Nice try but my move isn't finished yet, have you forgotten what the forbidden card does so soon? it pushes bakugan past their limits but of course they pay a price for infinite power." 

Lunafreya - 1200G's

"No way, Lady Lunafreya's power just keeps rising." Baron said. 

"Bonus and thanks to Dianos Cocos X ability Lunafreya's power level will always 200 more than her opponents level...your move."

"How is Serena meant to beat that move? Spectra's backed her into a corner." Runo said. 

Balance must be restored within Lunafreya as soon as possible or otherwise the crystals power will destroy us both, a fact that I refrained from telling everyone else because it would only worry them more. 

"You'll end up destroying her Spectra! that power will tear her apart!." I yelled. 

"What's the point of having power if your afraid to use it and that is why you will never beat me! Lunafreya lets go darkus ability activate: Neo Genesis Strike." 

Artemis - 800G's 

Lunafreya - 1400G's  

"If I can't attack I'll go on the defence ability activate! Light Pyramid...and now for the main attraction." I said while loading the ability card into my gauntlet. "Double ability activate: Haos ability Light of Balance plus Darkus ability Dwindling Light!"

With these two abilities Light of Balance brings down Luna's power level back to its base while Dwindling Light drains away her power level until it reaches zero. As Luna's power level was about to reach zero Spectra activated another forbidden card. 

"Enough of this ability activate: Dianos Durance X." 

"Tch, you reversed the flow of power and now Artemis's power level is decreasing while Luna's grows." I said. 

"You have no chance at beating us so give up now and come quietly." 

"It's not over yet Ventis ability activate! Dispel Winds." I called. 

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