- Chapter 11: Gatecrasher's -

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(There's going to be a lot of dialogue so be warned it may get boring but please bare with it. XD)

- Serena's POV - 

Luna and I landed safely in Doctor Michael's lab and the first thing I saw was Runo, Julie, Alice and Michael.

"We have arrived Luna." I said. 

"Yes indeed we have princess." Luna replied. 

Not long after Dan and Baron landed face first on the floor while Mira sat on top of the two of them, I walked over to them and gave them a hand standing up. 

"Hey girls, meet the bakugan resistance." Dan said. 

Baron greeted them but Mira was too surprised to say anything.

"Looks like we have company." Doctor Michael said.  

The portal opened once again and Spectra, Gus and Lync appeared. 

"Get this straight guys...this is my home turf  and your not welcome." Dan said. 

"Hear that mighty Spectra...we're not wanted here on earth." Lync said. 

"You got that right!" Baron yelled. 

"Fine then i'll go but I want...a souvenir." Spectra said as he picked me up.

"Let me go!" I said. 

He then jumped out of the window and into the forest. 

- Dan's POV - 

"Serena!" I yelled. 

I ran into the forest while Mira, Baron, Runo and Julie followed close behind. 

"There's no more tracks it looks like they've disappeared." Julie stated. 

"We should split up." Mira suggested.  

"Good idea Runo Julie and I will cover the north forest while you and Baron cover the west." I said. 

We split into our groups and continued the search for Serena.

- Serena's POV - 

"Let go of me Spectra." I said. 

"Join me then." He said. 

Hearing Spectra say that was a complete shock...why would he want me to join him? what is he thinking? I wondered. I heard the sound of Dan's voiced and called out to him, they came running over here. 

(Bold when Spectra talks and underline when dan talks )

"You better not hurt her Spectra or your history." 

"No need for theatrics...she's completely safe." 

"What do you want?" 

"Come join the Vexo's Dan...it's that simple." 

"Join you? have you lost it?" 

"We share a goal...to save the bakugan."

"Yeah right!"

"It's true human prince Hydron's your true enemy." Gus said. 

"Prince Hydron?" 

"Vestal's prince , he's the one who rules over New Vestroia." Mira said. 

"So what?"

"If we join forces we can end Hydron's threat."

"Don't trust him...what? first you take Serena and now you wanna team up?" 

"Then I will show good faith, she's your's." 

Spectra left go of me and I made my way back down to everyone else, he then told Runo and Julie about the state that Tigrerra, Gorem and the rest were in.

"The only way for you to save your friends is to work with me."

"You claim it is the only way to save them but is it really? I believe in time we will be able to free them and they can enjoy their freedom once again, if it weren't for the Vestals New Vestroia would be peaceful and bakugan wouldn't have to hide in fear and besides we don't trust you." I said. 

"Serena's right, even if what you say is true we'll never join the Vexos, after what you vestal's did to them it's unforgivable!"

"Your so called friend Mira is a vestal too, you can forge an alliance with her and not with me? I gave you your friend back, i'm talking not brawling, what more proof do you need?" 

"Free the bakugan first then we'll believe!"

"Not till be bring down Hydron." 

"Your afraid of losing your power and that is why we will never trust you." I said

Alice then appeared out of nowhere and teleported herself and the Vexo's back to Doctor Michaels lab while Dan followed close behind. Once they had vanished we quickly made our way back to the lab abd by the time we got back Spectra and Gus were sent back to New Vestroia while Lync was stuck her stranded. 

- Next day - 

After last nights events we all had somewhat of a rest and were now back inside the lab. 

"So Spectra and Gus have been sent back to New Vestroia? I guess they're out of our hair for now, Baron where's Lync?" Mira asked. 

"Not sure, once I trashed his bakugan he took off into the woods and I completely lost him." Baron replied. 

"I'm afraid the last warp was too much for the dimensional  transporter, i'll have to rebuild it from scratch before I can send anyone back again." Doctor Michael said. 

Baron became distressed about not being able to go back right away but he'll just have to deal with it until it is fixed. Doctor Michael gave us hope and said that he'll be able to have it fixed soon so we won't have to wait too long, we were unsure of what to do next until Julie came up with the idea of what humans call a slumber party? whatever that is I hope it's safe, Dan then suggested that we go to his house and Baron became way too excited for my liking. We left immediately leaving Lync here with Alice and Michael, on the way there Luna asked if we could talk privately and I obliged.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about Luna?" I asked. 

"I'm concerned princess, now that we are on earth it will be that much easier for our people back home to find you, are you not concerned princess? and what about Spectra?" Luna asked. 

She does have a valid point about the situation that we're in.

"I understand Luna, I will try not to battle while here and in regards to Spectra he is no longer a problem since he and Gus were sent back to New Vestroia an even if they managed to find their way back here there are others besides ourselves that can battle him." I replied. 

"But princess! now that he is aware of the crystals power inside of you, he may target you because of that if he hasn't already." Luna said. 

"Luna...I understand your concerns I really do but please I will say this, I can't guarantee that nothing will happen but even if Spectra where to take me I would have to be willing to use the crystals power which I can say for certain I won't be...so please have faith in me as I do you." I asked.

"Alright princess...only because you asked." Luna replied. 

I'm glad Luna is my partnered bakugan even though she can be challenging to deal with at times but I still love her the same. She is my friend and my family, I can always count on her for guidance as well as wisdom and with her I know we'll free the bakugan along with the help of our friends but I do feel that hard times are coming very soon. 

- To be continued -    

Light of New Vestroia - A Bakugan Fanfiction -Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora