- Chapter 12: Spectra Unmasked -

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- Serena's POV - 

After the conversation Luna and I had we we reunited with the others and awaited to be landed back on solid ground again.Once back on land at Marucho's roof Dan called his mother to let her know that we were coming over later, we were walking in the streets when I noticed Mira's facial expression...she was thinking about something most likely her brother.

"Mira are you ok?" I asked. 

"I'm ok." She replied and started to smile again. 

- Little later - 

After some needed convincing Dan took us to what the humans call an amusement park, at first it looked strange but after awhile of walking not so much. Mira, Julie and I walked off on our own while Dan, Baron and Runo were doing there own thing.

"So many humans." Mira stated. 

Julie dragged us away to find the roller coaster and not long after she noticed that we got separated but wasn't worried at all and took us somewhere else. 

- Spectra's POV - 

"Ugh where are we?" Gus asked. 

"On earth, I took precautions...we still have unfinished business with Serena." I said.   

- Serena's POV -

"Aww where's the twist and whirl?" Julie said out loud. 

"We're going around in circles." Mira said. 

Mira then ran off into the direction of the ferris wheel while Julie and I followed closely behind and when we finally caught up Julie asked what was wrong but continued to run in another direction. We finally stopped in wearhouse we could finally see what Mira was running after, my fears were well founded...Spectra and Gus managed to stay on earth. 

"We meet again." Spectra said.

"But how? we transported both of you back to New Vestroia." Mira said. 

"Want to know how? we were able to triangulate on Serena's gauntlet and redirect our transporter gate to her location and presto here we are." Gus said. 

I knew they would be back soon but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon. 

"what do you want this time?" Mira asked. 

"As I said I want you all to join me." Spectra replied. 

"You know my answer." Mira said. 

"Don't be foolish, we both want to destroy the man holding the bakugan, Prince hydron is the true villain here 

"But how do we know that you're telling us the full truth? you work for him do you not?" I asked. 

"I only infiltrated Hydron's inner circle to find the truth...keep your friends close and your enemies even closer." He replied. 

"Keith?" Mira said.

No it couldn't be...if Spectra really is Keith then...

"It's you isn't it? you've got to tell me! tell me or i'll wipe that smile off your face...why won't you answer? Tch if you want to keep playing your little games, okay then I challenge you to a brawl and if I win you have to take off that mask." Mira said. 

Gus protested but Spectra was fine with it. 

"Very well I accept your challenge...however if I win both you and Serena will join me in the Vexos against Hydron." Spectra said. 

"Huh? Serena are you ok with this?" Mira asked. 

"I am." I replied. 

"Okay fine you've got a deal." Mira said.

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