- Chapter 26: A deal with the devil -

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Hello humans, sorry about the super long update but a lots been going on at home that id rather not talk about but anyway enjoy chapter 27!

- Serenity's POV -

The day after I was able to settle things with Sebastian things got busy. With the issue concerning with the council, trying to convince them about the threat to the bakugan and my other everyday duties as princess. In the end I decided not trust the council with overseeing the kingdom and had already figured out who did place in charge during my absence. I haven't been able to go back to Earth and check if everything was alright with them and even so I knew that they'd be just fine without my constant watch, that they were perfectly capable of protecting the attribute energies without my help.

It took a total of four days to bring order back and announce that I was officially leaving for some time and until I returned my personal guardians that I completely trust will oversee the kingdom. With everything set out accordingly I was free to go back to Earth but when I reunited with everybody it was not on the best of circumstances. In the amount of time I was gone the Vexos attacked and stole the Subterra and Aquas, there was some good news though. In secret Marucho was bulding a virtual reality safe enough that we could battle one another without being detected, it was a complete surprise to me when I first entered into it. Even Billy, Julie's colse friend came to visit while I was away and as it turnes out he was being followed by Mylene and Shadow who now know where we're hiding.

As a group we all decided that instead of waiting the Vexos out we'd be the ones attacking them for a change and devised a plan to attack the mother palace. The only problem to the plan was we didn't know where the palace was located and the only person whom we all knew the location was Spectra, him agreeing to tell us was also an issue. After our discussion I wanted some time to myself and think everything over, I went to the rooftop garden. The view of the roses was simply breathtaking, finding a place to sit down I was able to think more clearly.

Luna took her place beside me before speaking her mind. "My lady are you sure about this? Spectra has been after you since the moment he recognised you and now you want to ask for his help?"

I took a deep breath inhailing the sweet scent of the rose filled air. "I understand your concerns Luna but he is the only one with the information we need, if not him and who? I know your worried about me Luna and everyone else is too but I don't need protection from him."

Since the start of this journey I never expected to meet Mira or Keith every again. When I saw Mira once again I was ecstatic but when we found out that Keith was Spectra in disguise it saddend me. In the past six months since I came to New Vestroia I have been met with happiness and sadness. That battle between Keith and I back in the palace even if it was for an instant I saw the person I once knew and even now I still fear that he will never come back.

"Princess, even with your past tied to him it does not change the fact that Spectra his hunting you and he will continue to do so until he get what he desires."

Before I was able to answer Luna we were forcefully teleported, to where we weren't sure until we arrived.

- Third Person -

The resistance aside from Serenity were all gathered discussing whether or not Spectra would be willing to assist them. Not long after the alarm sounded and everyone became aware of ship that was directly above them and that Serenity had been teleported against her will and inside the giant structure. All rushing to the roof they had all decided that helping Serenity would be their number one priority and so began running before time came to an immediate halt.

- Minutes before -

When we were finished teleporting I looked around unable to recognise my surroundings. "What is the meaning of this?!"

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