- Chapter 16: Memories of the past -

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- Serena's POV - 

After my battle with Spectra I felt somewhat at ease but at the same time worried, i'm glad I got Luna back but now I am more unsure as to what Spectra's true objectives are. I will always be targeted by him all because I was stupid enough to take the crystal, it's all my fault and i'm going to fix it the best way I can...to not run away.  

- Back at Dan's house - 

After getting back to Dan's house I thought it was high time that I came clean with everything, my past with both Mira and Keith. 

"It's time that I tell you everything so i'll start from the beginning." I said. 

- One year ago - 

"Luna it's not fair! Why do I have to marry him, all I want to to be able to marry the person I love and it's clear as day that I have no feelings for him whatsoever!" 

"I know princess I don't agree with this marriage either but the elders feel that you are not taking your responsibilities seriously, as heir to the throne it is your duty to marry someone with high social status and henceforth Sebastian will be your fiance." Luna spoke. 

this is all too frustrating! I know it is my duty as the only heir but they keep pushing me to it so now i've had enough. I need to get away from all this even if it's only for a small amount of time it'll be worth it.

- Later during the day - 

I snuck out of the castle without drawing the attention of the palace guards or anybody else, I know Luna is wondering where I am but this was something that I needed to do alone. I want to be a normal girl even if it was just for a little while, I transported myself to the place Luna always talks about...her home New Vestroia. 

- On New Vestroia - 

Once I arrived something seemed odd, there were barely any signs of life it was as if all the bakugan had just simply disappeared. I started walking hoping to find any form of life...what could have happened here? 

- Few hours later - 

Some time had passed and I finally came upon some sort of city, if I remembered correctly there were no cities on New Vestroia...so what's it doing here? I pondered...invasion maybe? that would be the only logical answer right now. I walked closer and closer to the structure, I looked for a way to get inside...viewing the structure thoroughly I noticed that the vents were the only way of getting inside. I climbed inside the vents making my way through the tunnels until finally making it inside the city.

From the outside it looked small but it was a completely different story, it was bustling with activity...it was different from back home and it felt nice. Walking the streets of the city was relaxing, not being recognized by anyone was great but also lonely. I was too deep in my thoughts that I failed to notice I was in the middle of the road, a car came racing towards me unable to stop...was I going to get hit? 

"Watch out!"

I was pushed out of the way before it was too late, looking up to the face of my saviour she was merely a young girl. She extended her hand to me, taking hold she pulled me up then letting go of my hand.

"thank you very much." I said. 

"No problem but what were you doing in the middle of the road like that?" She asked. 

"I was deep in thought that I had forgotten about my surroundings, if you weren't there I would have been flattened so again thank you." Thanking her once again 

"So what's your name?" she asked.

"It's Serenity." I replied. 

I feel like I can trust this girl.

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