- Chapter 6: The return of an old friend -

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- Dan's POV - 

"What! She's still not awake yet? It's been two whole days and she's still asleep." I yelled. 

"Please Daniel do not worry the princess will awaken soon, her body just needs time to get back to normal after exerting so much power like that, a good rest will be good for her." Luna said. 

"Luna's right Dan she'll wake up sooner or later." Marucho said.

"I know it's just that...if it weren't for me then Serena wouldn't be asleep right now." I said. 

- Serena's Pov - 

I opened my eyes and felt a slight pain, the light hurt but only for an instant, how long was I out for? I wondered. I got up from my bed and made my way into the control room where I saw everyone look at me with surprise. 

"Uh...hello..." I greeted them. 

Dan came running over and hugged me, I then wrapped my arms around him hugging him back.

'What's all this about?" I asked. 

Mira walked over to us. 

"You've been asleep for the past couple of days, Dan started to worry that maybe you'd never wake up." Mira said. 

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scare you all but after what just happened I must tell you something important." I said taking a seat. 

The other either stood in front of me or somewhere they could hear. 

"Before Luna and I left for New Vestroia, when I took the crystal something unexpected happened, there was a bright light and then the next thing the crystal was gone nowhere to be seen but I could feel it inside of me...it somehow managed to merge with me just like with Drago and the perfect core." I said. 

"That's why I felt a strange power inside of you." Drago said.

"That's intense." Dan said.

"Now during a battle I have to make sure that I don't lose control of it because it's catastrophic power could end up destroying New Vestroia if not controlled and I want to avoid that at all possible, I came here to save the bakugan not be the cause of their destruction and now that Gus has seen I..." I said as I began to tear up.  

Dan and MIra placed their hand on each of my shoulders. 

"It's alright...we'll protect you." Dan said giving me a reassuring look. 

"If the Vexos want a piece of you they'll have to go through us." Ace said. 

"I...thank you..." I said while crying. 

I whipped away my tears and got up. 

"If it's alright i'm going to head back to my room...I need some time alone." I said as I walked out of the room. 

I was walking thinking about the recent events when I was ripped out of them by a holographic image of Gus. 

"Greetings Serena." Gus said. 

"What are you doing here? but more importantly what do you want?" I questioned.

"I want to challenge you to a battle since our last one was cut short, if you do decided then my little spy will show you the way." Gus said.

The holographic image disappeared and I took the drone then quietly sneaks back in and grabbed Luna.

"Princess I thought that you wanted to be alone?" Luna asked. 

"Change in plans, Gus challenged me to a brawl and I want to see what he wants." I replied.

"Are you sure that's a good idea princess, I mean after the last battle shouldn't you tell the others?" Luna said. 

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