- Chapter 5: Gus Grav -

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- Serena/Serenity's revamped appearance and yes I like to draw instead of using photoshop because i'm not very good at it, as for the colour i'll do it later when I can find my pencil stash... -

- Serena's POV -

It's nice having a break once in awhile, this place seems so peaceful...unaffected by the Vestal's, it makes you feel like nothing ever happened...but we know the truth. I heard Dan, Ace and Marucho talking about how peaceful it was until Ace broke the good mood with doom and gloom, Mira then came walking over handing Dan a bakugan trap while he was rather impressed with his new addition. I decided to walk away with Luna in tow then Dan ran after me asking if Luna and I would like to train with him and Drago, we both accepted and continued to walk. We stopped by the outskirts of the forest and got our gauntlets ready when Dan's bakugan trap sensed something, we looked out into the distance and saw someone walking towards us. Once he was close enough he removed his hood and revealed a boy with blue hair, he was vestal and something seemed off about him but I was unsure at this moment. He looked at Dan then to Drago then lastly at me, he then turned back to dan an engaged into a conversation with him asking what his purpose was for battling, I then thought to myself "what is my reason for battling? was is for my own selfish reason?" it puzzled me. Dan asked the strangers name but walked away saying that he'd see the both of us later...what did he mean by later?

"Dan i've got a bad feeling about that guy." I said.

"Same here." He replied.

- Spectra's POV -

"Your back...what did you find out from your encounter with those two?" I asked.

Gus walked up close behind me and gave me his reply.

"The newest additions to the resistance, Dan is nothing more than an ameture while the girl I am unsure of."

"Be careful Gus do not underestimate Dan Kuso especially the girl for they may pose as our greatest opponents." I said.

"But they could also be our greatest allies, I will make then understand master Spectra." Gus said.

I walked away, if pushing Dan kuso and the girl to their limits...I may yet discover the extent to their power.

- Serena's POV -

When Dan and I got back we immediately packed up and continued to travel, Mira feared that the stranger we had encountered could have been a member of the Vexos, our conversation was cut short when somebody thought it would be funny to mess with us, the ship stopped and it was the guy from earlier.

"Tell me Dan Kuso have you found your answer yet? Why do you bakugan brawl?" He asked.

He landed his ship and Dan comfronte him face to face.

"no more silly disguises?" dan asked.

"No more...my real name is Gus Grav, my master Spectra sends his regards." Gus said.

Mira warned him saying that he was the number two Vexos which means that he won't be easy to defeat.

"My reason for brawling is so that I can protect my friends." Dan said.

Gus laughed and Dan got angry.

"I've had enough let's Brawl!" Dan yelled.

"As you wish but I won't just be battling you...i'll also battle against you." Gus said pointing to me.

"Why also me? that wouldn't be fair to you." I said.

"No matter it doesn't bother me." Gus said.

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