- Chapter 10: Surprise visitor -

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- Serena's POV - 

With the destruction of Alpha cities dimension controller we are currently on our way to Beta city's controller, after we pass through the canyon we should be on top of the city and one step closer to destroying it's controller.  

- Prince Hydron's POV - 

"I have had enough of this Spectra, first of all you have failed to deliver not only the dragonoid to me but also the girl who's power rivals that of the perfect core." I said.

"Sire there have been some difficulties." Spectra said as he bows.

"And now a dimension controller has been destroyed and it's all because of that human Dan and the resistance...it's so simple get rid of the human and the resistance then the dragonoid and the girl will be mine...get it done Spectra." I commanded. 

- Outside - 

- Spectra's brief POV - 

"A gate card?"

Maybe professor Clay might know the meaning of this.

- Clays office - 

"Interesting, so you say that this card fell from the sky?" He asked.

"Yes and many others." Gus replied.

"Just as I suspected, this card probably came from the human world." Clay said. 

"But why are they here? I asked. 

"On earth energy can transform into gate cards...someone from the human world must be trying to pass through the gate to New Vestroia." Clay replied.

"Then we'll welcome them." I said. 

And surprise the resistance while we're at it.  

 - Night time - 

- Serena's POV - 

Sitting outside enjoying a meal together is quite nice and the scenery is beautiful too, noticing Dan making so much noise while eating was beginning to bother me. 

"Dan it is improper to make noise while eating." I said. 

"Runo said something along those lines too." Dan said.

"Runo from the original bakugan brawlers?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Dan replied. 

Judging from his attitude he misses her very much and I can also guess that he feels guilty for leaving her on earth. I've heard about the original battle brawlers that consisted of Dan, Shun, Marucho, Runo, Julie and Alice and it was also because of them that they were able to beat Naga when he was after Wavern's infinity core. They traveled to the doom dimension in search of Dan and Drago when they lost against Masquerade, they were challenged by the six ancient warrior's and were able to evolve into what they are now, I may not have been there but I was well informed. After we ate we cleaned up and put the chairs and table back and went straight to sleep. 

- Later - 

Luna and I woke up to a girl yelling and by the sounds of things it was Runo and Julie but what were they doing? I got up and cleaned myself up and then made my way into the hallway were I saw Shun, the others soon came out and we made our way outside and looked up to the night sky.

"It's coming from everywhere." Shun said. 

"I can hear Runo and Julie, this is getting too creppy." Marucho said. 

Runo is trying to transport herself to New Vestroia and it had weakened the gap both the human world and New Vestroia greatly. 

"The voices...they've stopped." I said. 

We heard someone call Dan's name and turned around and saw Runo, she then ran towards Dan but went straight through him. We overheard Doctor Michael, he said that the transport was incomplete and Runo was stuck in between the dimensions and if we didn't get her back to earth in time then she would be stuck forever. The doctor sent Dan some qawardanets and we then hurried to the gates location. 

We travelled not too far west and we could see the gate. 

"There it is." Dan said. 

"Let's get going before the gate closes but also unwanted guests arrive." I said.     

We exited the base and made our way to the gate on foot. we were running towards the gate when Shadow appeared unannounced and stood between us and the gate. 

"Sorry kiddies but this ride is closed." Shadow said. 

"Get out of our way now Shadow!" I yelled at him. 

"Your gonna have to make me then." He said. 

"Wait guys, just get Runo to the gate and I'll take care of Shadow." Marucho said. 

We thanked him and made our way to the gate, the gate was beginning to close Dana and Runo said their goodbyes and then she went through the gate safely back to earth. I saw Spectra, Gus and Lync go through the gate...we've got to stop them

"Dan, Spectra went through the gate and if left unchecked who knows what kind of damage he could case so i'm going to follow them." I said as I jumped through.

Travelling through the gate I wondered what kind of place earth was. 

"Luna...what kind of place do you think earth is like?" I asked. 

"I'm not sure but I would assume that it would be just as beautiful as back home is." Luna replied. 

We'll find out when we arrive and hopefully before Spectra does. 

- To be continued 

Light of New Vestroia - A Bakugan Fanfiction -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ