- Chapter 7: Alpha City -

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- Serena's Pov - 

After the battle against Spectra we continued towards alpha city and not long afterwards we finally made it to the outskirts. We left the base and travelled on foot close enough for us to see how big the city actually was, Shun said to follow him and so we did. He took us to an air duct that lead into the sewers underneath, once we made it inside Shun jumped down while Luna and I followed quickly behind, we watched Baron fall...it was quite the show. We finally made it above ground and it was still the same as ever, we walked all over taking in the sights but to Mira, Ace, Baron and I it was nothing new. Thinking back I remembered the time I spent with Mira battling against one another while Keith stood by the sidelines...they were the most peaceful moments of my long life but it all changed because of that day. Dan was talking about making the vestals understand that the bakugan are intelligent lifeforms but we first had to take out the dimension controller.

"We first have to destroy the dimension controller then we can think about making the vestals understand." I said.    

"I agree but where is the controller anyway?" Dan asked.

Shun pointed to the highest point in the city, the arena and thats where to dimension controller resides. Dan ranted and raved wanting to destroy it right now but Mira apologized and said that she had something to do then ran off, I could only guess where she was going...she wanted to talk to her father.

- Later - 

We walked to one of the buildings close to the arena and surveyed the area and just by looking it was heavily guarded.

"It's going to be difficult to gain entry." I said.

"your right." Sun said.

The only way to get inside was to either sneak in or pose as contestants but getting in will be the easy part, destroying the controller was going to be the hard part. I wasn't paying attention to the conversation until I was ripped from my thoughts by Dan yelling at Mira while she was staying we had to get to her and quickly. We then ran onto the streets and hijacked a cab and followed Mira's signal. By the time we had arrived she and Lync were about to engage in a bakugan brawl that is until we kinda broke through the building, we all got out of the car still feeling a bit dizzy.

"Dan if you ever press a button like that again you'll live to regret it." I said giving him the stare of doom. 

"Okay, okay chill I won't do it again I promise." He replied. 

Lync proceeded with the battle and played his bakugan, just looking at it gave me the chills.

"What is that?" Dan asked.

"It's a cybernetic bakugan, unfortunately my father created it." Mira replied. 

"That's insane! what does he hope to gain by this?" I said. 

"I don't know but this is my mess to clean up." Mira said as she threw her bakugan into the fight. 

- A little later - 

Watching the battle go on was horrifying, after Lync's bakugan overheated the battle was terminated. Both Lync and Mira's father left the scene, I couldn't imagine what Mira must be feeling now but I can say that she was upset, her father cared more about his cybernetic creations than his own daughter.

- To be continued - 

Sorry about the short chapter but hopefully the next one will be longer than this one.        

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