- Chapter 27: Close Finale -

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Third Person 

Upon exiting the dimensional gate the gang were all transported to the surface of the palace and afterwards Spectra and Gus left. Having been walking around endlessly the resistance came across a taxi and using it to their advantage, hijacked it and sped of to the highest building, to where the BT System rested. 

As for Spectra and Gus they took it upon themselves to convers with Zenoheld warning him not to peruse the brawlers but out of pure confidence he did not listen to his warning. Having finished their business the two teleported out of the throne room. Gus displeasded with the way they had treated his master took it upon himself to avenge his master much to Spectra's dismay. Gus kidnapped and battled against Zenoheld and lost due to his stubbornness.

Due to an ambush the brawlers for separated from Mira, Dan and Serenity. Ace had decided to go looked for them accompanied my Marucho but as for Shun and Baron they had decided to go looking for the BT System. 

Shun and Baron whilst in their search were confronted by Mylene and Volt.

Ace and Marucho against Shadow and Lync.

The four resistance members had no idea that it was a trap for them in order to steal the remaining attributed energies. Due to the arenas being tampered with and having realized this too late, the Darkus and Ventis energies were taken and they were one step closer to the complete annihilation of all bakugan. Sun, Baron, Ace and Marucho reunited and now it was a race against time in order to warn Dan of the trapped battle arenas.

Dan, Mira and Serenity ran continuously through the palace being re-directed through the corridors. Having gone through the doors they were met by Hydron. No doubt here to collect the Pyrus energy from Drago. 

"At long last we finally meet Dan Kuso and the mysterious girl whom I've also heard so much about." 

For a prince he certainly does not act like one. It's time to teach this child some manners. 

"You put royalty to shame Hydron and I find that highly offensive." My tone gave the feeling of disappointment to Mira and Dan which they could understand why.

"You shouldn't talk to me like that! Know your place!"

Like a child throwing a tantrum. "It is you who should watch what they say. I am Princess Serenity and heir to the Millennium throne. It would be wise of you to show some respect to someone who has lived far longer that yourself." 

I earned confusing looks from both of my compainions but I gave them that look which mean that i'd explain later.

"It can't be! If what you say is true then you'd have to be..."

"It's good to know that you understand now, moving on from introductions I believe we have a battle to commence." 

I aksed Mira to sit this one out and so Dan, Hydron and I placed out gauntlets on but before we could start Spectra makes his appearance and without Gus?

"I thought I'd help you take down Zenoheld...isn't that what you wanted Serenity?"

"And If I remember correctly you said you were finished helping us. What made you change your mind?"

Spectra walked until he was standing right next to me.

"What can I say, you made a convincing argument. Like you said if the BT System is activated it would be bad for the both of us"

A brief smiled crawled its way to my lips. "Glad to know where on the same page...for now." 

Our conversation was cut short by the appearance of the king himself. Zenoheld made himself known and that he too would join the battle which would give Spectra the opportunity to take his revenge. 

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