- Chapter 28: The beginning of the end -

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- Serenity's POV -

And just like that we lost. Having tried so hard to keep the attribute energies out of Vexos hands and yet thanks to their trickery we failed. There was no time to waste, we left the palace quickly and made out way back to New Vestroia close enough to the BT System and back in time to warn and evacuate all the bakugan before it could go off.

We organized to use Spectras ship which then we would use the teleportation system and send all bakugan from the planets surface to Marucho's ginormous house.

Time went on and the evacuation process was just about finished with only little time to spare before that horrid machine goes off. Looking up to the sky I couldn't help but wonder how Luna was feeling. Having done everything in my power and still it just was not enough.

The pain in my chest increased. Sadness built up in me due to my own failure to keep my promise. Luna wanted to go down to the surface and try to remove the structure but I was against the idea. Even so, I knew how much this meant to Luna and thus decided let her go down anyway.

Moments later, she had reverted back to full size and was joined by Helios and Drago. All three hit it with everything they had but to no avail, that dome thing was impenetrable to all their attacks, just like Shun had told. Drago then got the idea to remove it from the ground, Luna unfurled her wings and assisted Drago taking it up into space.


She ignored me and continued to fly off, I pray she knew what she's doing.

It didn't matter because it was too late. The device was activated. I couldn't, wouldn't stand by. Leaving the group I walked  far enough away to ensure the safety of everyone.

"Serenity what are you doing?!"

Dan asked confused.

"What I have to!"

The only thing I can do to protect what's important to me...

"What do you mean?!" Mira had asked.

"I'm going to use all my power to ensure that all life on his planet survives!"

Doing so no matter the consequences...

"But if you do that won't you..."

"Die? Possibly but I do not fear death."

The faces of my friends turned horrified.

The truth hurts...it is something that one cannot avoid...

Before anymore words could be said a beam of light had surrounded me and blinded everyone close to it. Moments afterward a tall and fairly large pillar of crystal emerged with me standing on top, my appearance changed. I reverted back to my original form, the form a princess. My hair grew back to its original length and my crescent birthmark visible on my chest. Placing my arms outwards a bright light shined revealing the crystal that was once apart of not one but two bodies. Raising my arms as high as I could releasing the energy of the crystal.

It was difficult to say the least. I had to focus all my concentration but most importantly...
all the power of my love in order to fully harness the sacred stone. I could feel the overwhelming strength of the crystal, it was just as my mother had said all so long ago...
that when the time comes and I would need to draw on the crystals power, my unwavering feelings of love could bring about the stones unlimited potential. She also made it clear that by doing this I would stand the possibility, the odds of my life coming to an end.

I couldn't let the smallest of fears shake me, not wanting to jeopardise all that we had done otherwise I would not forgive myself.

- Third Person -

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