- Chapter 22: Liberation and sadness -

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- Flashback - 

"They'll come crawling back once they see the power I possess!"


What happened to you? somewhere inside the person I once knew has to be still in there. What caused him to think this way? his ideology is going to end up destroying him and I for one won't sit by and watch as he destroys himself.

- Flashback ended - 

- Serena's POV -

"Six attributes fusion ability activate!  Ultimate Striker!" 

"Go!, six attributes fusion ability activate! Ultimate Assault!" 

Ultimate Lunafreya - 4400G's

Maxus Helios - 4400G's

"You've matched Maxus Helios's power level but do you have the will to use it?"

I'll do what is necessary in order to stop you Keith.

"Stop talking and start brawling!" 

Both Helios and Luna's attacks collide with one another, the force of the power cause both bakugan to be blasted backwards. The mechanical bakugan forced back into ball form, Spectra and I blown away, the both of us were exhausted I could barely move. As I go to pick Luna up she suddenly reverted back to her original state, that could only mean that the final dimension controller has been destroyed...I also hope that Mira and the others were able to free Hydranoid and the rest. 

"Bakugan system offline." The voice spoke. 

"This can't be?" I said whilst looking at my gauntlet. 

"So what if the battle has been terminated I still want to fight, what do you say Luna are you ready to finish this?" Helios questioned. 

"You have shown no honor during battle but that doesn't mean I fear you outside of one, we will decide this once and for all." Luna replied.

Watching the two clash I decided to put all my faith into Luna for I knew she will not let me down, turning to Spectra he too did the same.

"Please let's put an end to this, I wish not to fight with you anymore." I pleaded. 

"You already know my answer, the person you once knew is long gone, i'm not the same person you met a year ago."     

"Even so Keith does the time we spent together with Mira mean so little to you? Are you willing to throw all of your ties away? If you continue down this path of madness then I will be forced to stop you the only what I know how!"

"That day...why did you run away? you could have stayed if you wanted to and yet you left, it took you over a year to come back. At first when we met again I thought you were someone different but even if you use a disguise i'll still be able to recognise you." 


"I left because it is my duty to one day rule my kingdom, I am it's sole heir no other person and replace me, the time that I spent with you and Mira...was truly the best ...I knew what it felt like to be a normal girl and not have the title of princess weigh heavy on my shoulders. That day I followed Mira to your fathers lab...I never expected to see you of all people there, seeing you there completely threw me off balance and what made it worse was watching as you stood there letting them torture Hydranoid...I had to leave." 

Why is it that all I can think about is you...Keith...even after everything you have done.

"Then why come back? What made you decide to return to new Vestroia, to abandon your people for the sake of the bakugan?"

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