Part 29

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A/N things are about to get wild but it all ends well so don't you worry friends<3

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A/N things are about to get wild but it all ends well so don't you worry friends<3

A few weeks after Christmas I find myself sitting on the bathroom floor at 3am trying to calm down after vomiting everything that was eaten the night before, Kassidy's hand is rubbing my back gently, "feeling better?" she asks concerned, I nod slightly and she flushes the toilet before helping me to my feet, "do you want to go try and sleep?" she exclaims, "yes" I reply quietly and she walks me back to my bedroom and tucks me under the covers before kissing my forehead, I doze off minutes later without a worry in the world. In the morning I'm greeted with no symptoms to remind me of last night's sickness, I go to the kitchen where Kass is making some breakfast, "hey girl, how 's the stomach feeling?" she asks with a smile, "it's perfectly fine" I reply with a smile, "that's good to hear" she says before continuing what she was doing at the stove. 

The next three mornings consist of the same vomiting episodes, I can tell Kass is worried as she watches me eat lunch on that third day, "i'm fine I swear" I say as I look at her, "okay but when was the last time you had your monthly gift?" she replies. Everything seems to slow down as I realize what could be the problem, my spoon clatters on the counter as I snap my gaze to my best friend. "Oh my god, this can't be happening" I say starting to panic, she rushes over to me, "shhh, calm down Jenny, we will go to the pharmacy and get a test, i'll call your mom and she can come with us" she tells me as she wraps her arms around me, "this doesn't make sense we're always careful" I tell her as I replay all of the times me and Matt have had our fun, then a lightbulb goes off in my head as I remember the one time in the shower when we were hiding from her, "oh god" I say my eyes widening, "what's the matter?" Kass asks, "well there was this one time, we climbed into the shower to hide from someone who came home and I don't think we used protection" I tell her as I put a hand in front of my mouth in panic. 

A few minutes later me, Kassidy and my mom are in the bathroom with a pregnancy test sitting on the counter as I sit on the floor leaning against the door waiting for the result. "No matter what the result is, me and your father will be here for you" my mom explains to me as she sits next to me with an arm around me "I'll always be here for you Jen" Kassidy interjects as she sits on the other side of me, "what about Matt? I can't drop this bomb on him while he's in his rookie season with Seattle, he will want to come be with me but I can't make him lose everything he's played for" I say as tears flow down my cheeks, "Jenny he needs to know, it's his child too" my mom tells me, "what if he doesn't want a kid, he'll probably leave me to care for it alone" I add, "from the months of knowing that boy, I am positive that he would never do that to you, he loves you too much, and that ring you are wearing is proof of that" Kass exclaims, I bring my hand up and look at the band around my left ring finger, I touch it lightly and think of the dark haired boy that gave it to me, I smile. The timer goes off and I start to panic again, my mom stands up and looks at the test, she takes it and sits next to me again, she hands it to me, I bite my lip and take it in my hand, she rubs a hand on my back as I see the positive symbol on the test, "you have to tell him as soon as you can" my mom says gently, "I know" I reply as the three of us sit there leaning against the closed door. 


A few hours later I press the FaceTime icon on my phone and press Matt's number, I bite my lip as I watch it ringing, a few seconds later he fills the screen, "hi beautiful" he says happily, "hi" I reply with a small smile as my empty hand clutches the pregnancy test, "what wrong?" he immediately asks noticing how i'm acting. I bite my lip as a tear falls down my cheek knowing that it's now or never, "I need to tell you something" I start as I sit on my bed, "you're scaring me Jen" he replies nervously as I see him shift his position on his bed, I take a deep breath and release it before bringing the pregnancy test into his view.

I see his eyes widen as he processes what i'm showing him, "you're pregnant?" he asks gently, "yes, I took this today because Kass was worried about the vomiting sessions i've been having in the morning" I explain cautiously, watching his reaction, "man I wish I could have you in my arms right now, i've got to be the happiest man right now" he tells me with a huge grin, "really?" I ask with a small smile, "yes I want a kid with you Jenny, sure maybe its sooner than expected but I could not be happier" he replies, "i'm so happy, I don't know what I would have done if you left us" I say with tears in my eyes, "I will never leave you, I plan on being with you throughout this whole journey" he tells me. "What about hockey?" I ask knowing that his career will most likely take up his time, "we are going to make this work because I love you and I love that baby in your belly" he exclaims making me smile widely, "I love you so much" I tell him while wiping the tears from my cheeks, "I want to kiss you so much right now" he replies, "my constant mindset to be honest" I respond making him laugh, "before you know it we'll be back together and there will be tons of kissing" he tells me. We spend the next few hours talking about stuff happening with him in Seattle and my schooling in Boston, we hang up at around midnight and I change into some pjs before falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

 We spend the next few hours talking about stuff happening with him in Seattle and my schooling in Boston, we hang up at around midnight and I change into some pjs before falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow

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