Part 32

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Epilogue - 5 years later

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Epilogue - 5 years later

"Mommy come on we can't be late, Daddy is playing" my 5 year old daughter Isabella whines while pulling my hand to get out of the house, "I'm coming darling, I just need to grab one more thing" I tell her before grabbing my purse which holds my phone, wallet and keys. I strap her into the backseat before getting into the drivers seat, I start the car and drive towards the arena with music quietly playing on the stereo. Once we get to the arena I park the car in the VIP lot and get out before unstrapping Isabella from the backseat, I hold her on my hip as I walk to the entrance, "is daddy going to win?" the 5 year old asks with a smile, "I hope so Bella" I reply before stepping into the building, I maneuver my way to the family suite like every game saying hi to the occasional fan. 

When we finally get to the family suite I place Isabella on her feet, she immediately runs over to the kids area that has been set up with colouring sheets and toys. "Wow she's all grown up" I hear, I turn and see Sebastian's wife Cammy smiling at me, "yeah it's crazy how time flies" I reply with my own smile, "c'mon let's go watch, she'll be occupied for awhile" Cammy exclaims. We sit in the seats facing the ice and watch the puck drop, "I hope we win, playoffs would be a great thing to be included in" I say as I watch the players skate around the ice, "tell me about it, playoffs are the best" Cammy exclaims. A few minutes later Matt scores making me jump out of my seat with happiness, "you go babe" I yell while throwing a fist up, I watch him hug his teammates before pointing towards our suite, I smile knowing that it was meant for me. "You guys are adorable" Cammy says, I smile and shrug before sitting back down to watch the rest of the game.


When the game finishes I make my way to the locker room to see Matt, with a sleeping Isabella in my arms, she shifts a little but stays asleep. "Thank god they pulled off that win, they will all be pumped because this means that playoffs are real" Cammy says as she walks next to me, "yeah I think pumped is an understatement" I reply with a laugh as we come to a stop outside of the locker room where we can wait for our significant others. Sebastian comes out a few minutes later with a huge smile on his face, he brings Cammy close to him and presses a sweet kiss to her lips, I smile at the two, "congrats on making playoffs Seb" I say, his gaze turns to me, "thanks little J" he replies, "how was the little munchkin during the game?" he adds while looking at her, "she was good, I think she was colouring most of the night before she fell asleep in my lap" I reply, "she's probably the best kid i've seen" he tells me, "yeah she's pretty great" I exclaim while looking down at Isabella with a smile. "Well we're going to head out, Matt will be done soon" Sebastian tells me, "sounds good, have a good night you two" I reply, they wave before walking away. 

The locker room door opens and Matt comes into view making me perk up with a smile, he comes over happily, "you did amazing out there" I say while shifting Isabella in my arms, "thanks Jen" he replies before pressing a kiss to my lips, I don't expect it to be so full of passion so I place a hand on his bicep as he brings a hand up to my cheek. The movement must wake Isabella, I feel her head move so I pull away from Matt, "DADDY" she squeals with a huge smile, "hello princess" he says before taking her from me, her little arms go around his neck pulling him close to her, I smile at their interaction. "C'mon we should go, it's late and this little munchkin needs to sleep" I say to the two, Matt smiles as he moves our daughter in his arms so that he can place an arm across my shoulders as we walk to the car. 

When we get back to our little blue house Matt takes Isabella to her room to place her sleeping form into bed. I change into my pjs as I wait for him in our bedroom, a few minutes later Matt walks into the room loosening his tie as he does so, I smile and notice how exhausted he looks, "come here superstar, i'll help you out" I tell him, he smiles and walks over to me I get off of the bed and reach my hands up to take his tie off before slipping his blazer off gently, placing it on the nearby lounger, I walk back over to him and start unbuttoning his dress shirt, his hands come to my lower back and he smiles. "What are you smiling about?" I ask him, "i'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have you" he replies, "you are lucky to have me" I say teasingly, "well now the effect is ruined" he exclaims, I laugh and undo the last button on his shirt gently reaching up to slip it off of his shoulders, Matt shrugs it off completely and I put it in the same spot where I put his blazer. I turn back to him and he's slipping his dress pants off so I go sit on the bed once again just watching him, "what?" he asks when he sees me watching, "I love you that's all" I say, this makes him smile and he comes over sitting next to me, "I love you too" he exclaims, I take his hand, gently intertwining his fingers with mine, "what are you thinking about?" he asks me noticing that i'm not completely present, "about how proud I am of you and all the great things you have accomplished in this league" I reply while looking over at him, "it's because of you and that little princess in the room across the hall" he explains while gently cradling my face in his hand. I smile and place my hand over his, "you're the best dad, i'm so happy I get to do this with you" I tell him, "you are an amazing mother and Isabella knows that, I am so happy that we're doing this together" he responds before pressing a passionate kiss to my lips. 

After a few more minutes of kissing the two of us slip under the covers and turn off the lights before snuggling close to each other. I take a few minutes to replay all of the moments we have had together that lead to the here and now, I weave my fingers with Matt's as he tightens his hold on me, I realize that I would not have wanted anything else for us, even if it was not the typical route of a relationship, the happiness that came from everything we've been through makes it all worth it. Our happily ever after may just be starting but I could not wait for everything else that is sure to come to complete our amazing story.


A/N Guys I can't believe this story is done, I think this is the longest story I have written on here! To be honest i'm really proud of this story and I love the characters I created and I hope you loved every part of their story! 

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A/N Guys I can't believe this story is done, I think this is the longest story I have written on here! To be honest i'm really proud of this story and I love the characters I created and I hope you loved every part of their story! 

Thank you for sticking around and reading this piece of work! <3

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