Chapter 50:Circle of Life pt 1

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"When the hell did you two get married and not invite me?!" Nikki asked.

We were all in the house sitting on the couches in the living room. After The scene with Sierra everyone left except so it was just me Candy, my sisters, and Damion.

All eyes were on me and Candy we looked at each other.

I held Candy's hand.

"We got married on Thanksgiving in Vegas." I told them.

They said nothing.

"Well are you guys still going to have a wedding?" Tiffney asked.

"We're waiting until all our family gets here." Candy smiled placing her hand on her stomach.

I couldn't help but smile I can't wait for my boys to get here.

"Aww, you two are so cute together." Niki gushed.

"Thanks, " Candy grinned.

Even though Candy is cool with my sisters I know her and Niki get along the best.

"Who was that crazy bitch that was here earlier?" Michelle asked.

Candy looked over at Damion
"Ask him,"she said rolling her eyes.

"Man I don't want to talk about her." Damion said looking at Tiffney.

Nope I'm stopping this before it starts.

"Damion can I talk to a minute about some business, " I said as I nodded my head towards the kitchen. I got up and he followed me.

"Whatever you thinking drop it."
I said firmly.

He looked at me surprised.

"What are you talking about?"

"My sisters, " I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's not like that, " He told me.

"Better not be." I said.

"Woah I didn't say anything when you were messing with my sister." he got defensive.

"Your married," I said to him.
He laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked kinda getting pissed.

"You judging me for the same thing you did when you met Candy."

"It Just happened I didn't go out and purposely try to cheat."

Damion shook his head.

"You Can justify it all you want but you still cheated just like me."

I clenched my fist.

"I'm not like you I love Carla and my family."

"That's the only reason I do like you,"

Damion said throwing me off completely.

"Tristan!" Michelle said as she ran into the kitchen.

Her eyes were wide and full of panic.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's Dad he's in the hospital we need to go now." she told me.

We all quickly ran into the living room where Candy, Niki and Tiffney.

"We gotta go I said grabbing my keys."

Candy stared to get up but she was having trouble.

"No baby you need to stay here and relax." I told her.

Damion looked at me.

"I'll stay with her while y'all go up to the hospital," he said to me.

Candy just looked us.
"I'm sitting right here." she crossing her arms.

I went over and kissed her.

"Don't worry baby everything will be alright I'll be back in a bit." I said.

Then me and my sisters rushed out of the house got In my truck and drove straight to the hospital.

I decided to break this down into two parts I'll post part two tomorrow.

But if you want it tonight you gotta let me know. 😎

High Risk (urban/bwwm) book 1&2 cover by theblackpepa_Where stories live. Discover now