Episode 1: Starlight's Attraction

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*Starting Scene*

A broadcast is promptly given by a bald, suited male displayed on a small monitor hoisted at the right corner of a medium-sized waiting room, solely wielding a sofa to permit two individuals to sit within it, as the news anchor firmly states, "Earth 03, the current home of the humans and animals due to the first's lifespan coming to an end. This was caused by numerous factors, mostly through negligence of mankind itself, and compelled the former residents of the Milky Way Galaxy's third planet to ultimately part from it. Today, May 14th of the year 2620, we are commemorating the anniversary of our ancestors' departure. A voyage they undertook 500 years ago and had to persevere through for three centuries before arriving to our present planet. We owe everything to the sacrifices that incur during that and show our gratitude for their success."

The vertical, rectangular door stationed at the left side of the room abruptly slides open, being automated, to allow the entrance of a light-skinned, gorgeous, fairly busty lady in her mid 30s while the woman's blue eyes scan the area's confines. During that, the adult adjusts the thin-rimmed, pink glasses she has on via her right hand since her left appendage is occupied with a light brown folder possessing multiple papers inside it as she releases a disappointed sigh, compliments of noting that no one's around, and mutters, "I thought we agreed that I'd pick him up here. Why can't we ever be in agreement?" The chick lowers her elevated limb to temporarily brush off the white blouse and black skirt she's wearing prior to traveling towards the screen, her black heels clicking against the marble floor that exists as a result.

Meanwhile, the anchor continues his speech with his body contorted over the counter he reports from, symbolizing how serious he's become. "We must avoid making their efforts be in vain! That's the reason we have the excellent Global Defender Academy producing the best to combat all threats, especially the detestable Lacertas and Taurians! Our conflicts with them seem to never end, however, not all hope is lost. We shall not fail to protect our home this time-"

The female cuts off the anchor's rant through shutting down the monitor, utilizing her available hand to do so, and exhibits a disgruntled attitude. "Yeah, yeah." She navigates herself towards the doorway while combing her straight, red hair that extends past her shoulders a little with her right hand, briefly closing her eyes in the process. "You're always saying WE, but I don't ever see you get up and actually partake in the fight. People like my husband are truly fighting." The beauty reopens her eyes amidst exiting the room as she brims sadness. "And my baby boy wants to join him..."

*Scene Change*

Staring at a larger monitor in comparison to the one within the waiting room, a slim, Caucasian 18 year old guy stands a few meters from the object that's hanging upon a wall toward the left end, vacated of any other folks. The young man notably has blue eyes, although can't be depicted much thanks to the glare of his black glasses, and spiky, red hair as he's dressed in a navy blue, cadet uniform with black boots fitting the attire well. At the moment, the character's watching a bunch of aircrafts built to journey into space do just that while aggravation gradually consumes him and grits his teeth.

Eventually, the woman who was watching the news earlier pops up several meters behind the lad, which is easy for her to accomplish considering the fellow is observing a screen in an expansive hall with nothing else present, as she talks in a caring manner. "There you are, Virgil. I've been searching all over for you."

Virgil gazes at the adult by shifting his head eastward while blandly commenting, striving to hide the frustration haunting him, "Hi, mom." He steers himself accordingly to confront his mother and soon bridges the gap dividing them. "You know how it is with me. I can never have enough of seeing the jets' launch without a hitch." Virgil deviates his focus from his parent. "I bet it feels great."

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