Episode 32: Star Spangled Symphony

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*Starting Scene*

Throughout the recent ordeal of Virgil and Orian attempting to retrieve Anemone, Virago isn't too far from exiting the Lacertas' proximities as the personnel obtain a different notification when compared to the one that alerts them of any threats.

Ruchika quickly informs her comrades upon getting to the left end of the radars she monitors, "A wormhole just appeared! It's on top of the Lacertas' ships!"

Harper urgently directs his vision towards Ruchika. "It's the anomaly! I forgot they were randomly popping up in places!"

Doyenne's voice unexpectedly sternly chimes from the automated doorway. "I wouldn't deem it as a coincidence or anything of the sort, in case that's what you're thinking."

Everyone shift their sight to Doyenne as she's accompanied by Eve, Fey and Gabriela, compliments of them eventually meeting. After that, the crew are happy to see their leader since they have more confidence with her commands than another's, despite Harper having the necessary criteria.

Harper confronts Doyenne with curiosity demonstrated. "Why do you say that?"

Doyenne soon journeys towards Harper, persisting her speech. "I'll explain in a bit. Right now, our chances of escaping has greatly improved with the wormhole's arrival." The woman brings her concentration to the Victress members, raising her volume to deliver her orders. "Keep to the course! It's possible that there are other groups of Lacertas stationed around, so we aren't gonna' slow down until we're almost at Earth 03!"

The crew sharply nod at Doyenne prior to striving to accomplish their goal while Oxford is notably impressed by the pale character and then assists Victress as much as she can.

Harper steadily moves himself to Doyenne's western sector, facing the main screen, amidst sustaining his attention on the brunette. "You're pretty fast on analyzing the situation and their trust in your capabilities shows without a shred of hesitance. Ever consider joining a military force like the one Earth 03 possesses?"

Doyenne views Harper out of the corner of her eyes, plainly stating, "I'm fine." She sets her gazes to the giant display ahead of her. "I already have an extraordinary team."

Harper grins in a pleased manner, warmly commenting, "Good for you."

*Scene Change*

Suta and Anemone swiftly soar through space, the former preventing every attack hurled at them by creating countless Deltas during the pair's course.

Anemone, continually baffled at Suta's haphazard return, questions in a suspecting tone, "How did you find us?! Was it out of luck that you were around?!"

Suta alters Iota's trajectory southward with no warning whatsoever, scaring Anemone due to feeling her grip on the lad slipping a little. That being done, the teal-eyed individual peers at a plethora of explosions transpiring where he and Anemone were going while casually uttering, "No, it wasn't. I mentioned before that my wormholes are random. Though, there's an exception that V figured out thanks to Alpha. I can easily track down a part of me."

Anemone's temporarily confused, however, ultimately comes to a realization. "Oh, that's right! So you didn't leave him with us solely for transforming Jet 4 into a Mech!" The teenager promptly grows upset while forging a minor space between her and Suta's midsections, retaining a strong hold upon the star. "Meaning you could've met back with us whenever, including the first time we were separated! What took you?!"

Suta chuckles as he adjusts his flight pattern to travel below Orian's machine with Virgil remaining on his tail, but has yet to catch up because of several Lacertas firing at him. "I was sure that you and everybody would be okay with me gone for a while. V's wish is still pending, guaranteeing that we'd be reunited no matter what."

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