Episode 16: Battle Royal

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*Starting Scene*

High in the sky, towards the background of the conflict that was transgressing within Ganseihiro, a mild humming noise reverberates. In the meantime, the wind getting sucked towards the wormhole can be noted bending around a large, invisible object that has a bulky, humanoid shaping to it. A couple of moments later, with the strong gale dying down from the wormhole vanishing, a male voice chimes out of the anomaly as amusement is portrayed, "How exciting! The universe sure is filled with amazing things!" The unknown character cackles evilly. "Earth 03 continually seems to find a way to attract them as well! I'm evidence to that!"

While that was stated, the civilians, Black Ops personnel and Virgil's group are rendered speechless at the recent event that managed to dispose of the Colums.

After a fair amount of silence, Anemone exits Virago since she brought Doyenne inside the craft seconds before Suta summoned the wormhole as she frantically searches the area with the ferret still perched atop her right shoulder. "V! Suta!"

Virgil chuckles, parting from Virago due to having maintained his grasp on it a little longer, and walks towards Anemone's posterior. "At least you accounted worrying about Suta this time. That's a small development for you."

Anemone hurriedly snaps her focus to Virgil via commandeering her head left, a tad surprised in the process. Then, the teen becomes flustered and confronts Virgil with both hands balled into fists as she partially raises them. "You always...!" Anemone suddenly alters her conduct to emit concern as she deviates her attention to the last spot she remembered Suta being through situating herself sideways while restraining her tone a bit. "What happened to Suta though?"

Virgil promptly asks with sadness showing, "Didn't you see it?"

Anemone hesitates, hinting that she indeed witness Suta's departure through the wormhole, prior to questioning in a somber manner with her head slightly dropped, "But why...? Doesn't the wormhole lead to a random area of the universe?"

Virgil briefly watches Anemone, refraining from talking until confidence surfaces via a smile. "He said he'll catch up. What reason would a star have to lie?"

Anemone resets her vision to Virgil, presenting a halfhearted grin. "Funny. We're making the assumption that he can't just 'cause he's one."

Virgil pulls his head back out of bewilderment while his jaw hangs, reflecting that he's never considered that to be a possibility.

Abruptly, several of the the Black Ops members march towards with one shouting in an upset tone, "Hey! Explain yourselves! We-"

Anemone hastily interrupts the guy once she steers herself to face him, brimming anger. "What?! Are you actually gonna' be pissed off about them coming to the rescue?!" She gestures her right hand's thumb towards Virago during the completion of that sentence as the ship's placement is eastward from her perspective. "Did you expect us to go into this when crap can happen whenever?! Appreciate that y'all are alive!"

The Black Ops agents stare at Anemone with a stunned demeanor.

Concurrently, Virgil draws himself beside Anemone's left as he whispers with curiosity displayed, "Wow, Anemone... You seriously thought ahead and had Victress on standby without either me or Doyenne knowing..." The redhead switches his personality to emanate scrutiny. "Is what I wish I could say, but I'm aware that you couldn't have cooked up this idea."

Anemone glares at Virgil out of the corner of her eyes and lowers her voice amidst retorting. "And why's that?!"

Virgil gives Anemone a dull look. "You had no chance of speaking with them. Me, you and Doyenne left together pretty fast upon our planning with Suta." Realization engulfing him as he peers at the sky. "Which means it was Suta. That dude isn't stupid." The lad softly laughs and mounts his sight to Anemone again.

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