Episode 5: Criminally Wanted

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*Starting Scene*

A grey, ruined, apartment building of ten flights and numerous rooms spread out horizontally quietly sits in an abandoned part of a city during what appears to be the evening. The silence doesn't last much longer as multiple footsteps echo throughout the halls containing railings stretching in front of the walls and doors. Soon enough, the rushing movement caused by the noise disappear around the apartment poised in the last floor, at the heart of the hall.

Afterwards, a group of twenty gruff men cladded in black, combat gear are presented as they wield blasters that are a tad smaller compared to the Lacertas'.

One male stationed the farthest from the doorway firmly whispers into a communicator strapped to his left arm, holding his weapon tightly, "We've reached the targeted area! Teams 2 and 3, remain on standby at the lower levels on the off chance he slips by us!"

A masculine voice faintly rebuttals from the other side, "Roger that!"

The apparent leader nods in acceptance while drawing his attention to his comrades and removes his right hand from the gun so he can signal them to begin infiltrating the residence.

The guy closest to the door carefully pushes the entrance open via his left appendage, compliments of the structure's power supply not existing to retain it shut and his western position. With that, a handful of characters sneak inside the tattered region while only a tiny sum of light allow visibility, however, this doesn't deter the men as they wear contact lenses providing night vision. The first batch of fellows analyze each room they come across, discerning nothing every time and steadily grow tense the deeper they travel inward.

Meanwhile, the adult in charge taps his left forearm to have his lenses display the layout of the facility, exhibiting grey dots at the quarters his men intruded, as he mumbles, "He should be here. The reports confirm it. They'll find him eventually."

The several individuals persist their search until arriving at the apartment's back end, dumbfounded to see that no one's depicted besides them in there. Following a brief pause, a man speaks into his own communicator with his constitution straightened since the group were keeping themselves low for security. "Boss, he's not home."

The boss hurriedly emits frustration while deactivating his lenses. "Shit!" He then motions his head to the rest of his team to go inside, and ultimately, the assortment of gentlemen are united with the ones who enter first. Once that's accomplished, leaving the doorway wide open, the leader scans the confines with his blaster pointed down as he utters in a normal volume, although still mad, "Weeks of tracking his habits just went to shreds! He was SUPPOSED to be in at this moment!" The adult looks at his companions. "I asked if there was another place he liked staying!"

A male located to the boss' right replies as he possesses his weapon ahead of his chest at a diagonal angle. "He has none aside this building. We already checked the other apartments too."

The person in charge views the guy who recently talked and strives to calm himself. "Did anybody watch him? If not, we're morons."

The man towards the quarters' left sector, based on the leader's perspective, confidently declares, "No, I tailed him prior to the initiating of our attempt! He definitely was in the premise!"

The boss snaps his right hands fingers towards the gruff character. "Correct. I had forgotten you had informed me of that." Realization randomly encompasses him with a horrified conduct included. "Wait! It couldn't be-"

An unexpected storm of bullets interrupts the individual's speech as over half of the team within the apartment are pierced by the projectiles, blood splattering everywhere. Fortunately for the one in charge and a few of his comrades, they managed to duck with sufficient haste while the apartment gains excessive damage.

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