Episode 7: Livelihood

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*Starting Scene*

The Victress maids traverse the pharmacies and stores that Lionsten contains, packing away the multiple supplies they gather into a storage capsule for easy mobility of the items. During that, some swindlers attempted to rip the women off, however, fell prey to the wrath of either Gabriela or Fey as the dames' took liberty in those situation and cleaned out the troublemakers. This put many aliens on edge since they deeply desired to cause difficulty for Victress, stalking the Bounty Hunters to accomplish that.

Alas, nothing severe came from that as Gabriela's presently fawning over high school uniforms displayed at a clothing shop toward the right sector of a walkway heading northward, having her hands located ahead of her lips while the appendages are mildly curled. "They're too cute!" She steadily reaches out to the glass preventing her from touching the attire via both hands, emanating an obsessive conduct. "Must... Own... Them...!"

Interrupting Gabriela's focus, Eve's voice reverberates from her microphone attached to her collar's left while desperation and rage is apparent. "Gab! We got an emergency!"

Gabriela immediately replies, keeping her arms hoisted onward, and portrays skepticism, "Is it that your bored of being grounded? I'd be stupefied if it's anything else."

Eve furiously shouts, "No, the star and his friends are gone!"

Gabriela brims astonishment with her gaze to the microphone as she put her arms down. "It's a miracle! You're showing selflessness!"

Eve viciously cries out, "Very funny! The guy with the glasses left in his jet not that long ago! Have you seen it?!"

Gabriela peers skyward to search that way, relaxing her attitude. "Nope. I'm not much help though." The Hispanic looks at the uniforms again with glee established. "I've been immersed by a few cute outfits I found for like 10 minutes."

Eve sustains her behavior while releasing several panting noises. "You idiot!"

Gabriela giggles and navigates her vision to the microphone. "Don't go talking smack. I bet you're running around the city to spot them. That goes against your punishment, you know?"

Eve stumbles as she indeed is rushing through the large town prior to defensively asks while viewing where she's going, "What makes you think I'd do that?!"

Gabriela bluntly retorts. "Your shallow breathing. There's no reason you'd be gasping for air in the manner you currently are. Even if you used the excuse that you were ranting to the others about the circumstance, it wouldn't be so ragged."

Eve temporarily pauses her speech, a dull expression demonstrated, before firmly uttering, "Contact me in case you come across 'em!" The line goes quiet.

Gabriela smirks in amusement while shaking her head. "You're totally transparent, Eve." The femme reverts her concentration to the exhibited attire and resumes to fawn over them.

*Scene Change*

Doyenne trudges deep into the city, discovering a ruined section, and meets a male, elderly alien resembling a white Labrador Retriever Dog dressed in rags as she curiously inquires, "You're a Canis, correct?"

The extraterrestrial ignores Doyenne, scanning the damage roads that extend from both sides due to him standing at an intersection.

Doyenne continues her dialogue, unfazed by the creatures neglect. "Your species is good at obtaining information. Though you're a ways from one of the territories owned by the Canis." The pale individual glimpses at the alien's apparel. "Seems you're also fairly down on your luck."

The Canis glares at Doyenne with mild annoyance conveyed. "Perhaps I'm one who's trying not to be noticed."

Doyenne vaguely laughs as she momentarily blots her mouth with the rear of her right hand, and once she lowers it, remarks, "Glad to find a Canis capable of speaking English. Saves me the effort of pulling out the translator." A teasing demeanor arises. "Oh, and your disguise doesn't work if you don't cover yourself better. That's how I saw you."

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