Episode 20: The Void's Noise

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*Starting Scene*

Having gone to the neighboring planet from Kusari named Yari, Harper and Kairi reunite with Anemone at a desert type landscape. Accompanying the pair is Sebastian, who instructed Harper prior to reaching the terrain that it would take some time to check on the blue cruiser's condition, as he's presently hanging back so the trio could have a moment together.

Not minding that much, Kairi embraces Anemone while striving to restrain herself from crying via possessing her eyes shut. "Are you alright, Anemone?! Did Virgil cause you any trouble with his anxiety?!"

Anemone weakly giggles as she pats Kairi's upper back to help in assuring the adult while gazing skyward. "Funnily, it appears he overcame it."

Kairi contentedly smiles at Anemone through crafting minor separation, gripping onto the Asian's shoulders with both hands. "That explains his behavior! He was brimming with the kind of confidence his shows when studying!" The redhead detaches her left appendage from Anemone to wipe away the tears accumulated under her eyes as she gradually composes herself. "He can finally accomplish his dream! I'm so glad!"

Harper, poised towards Kairi's left, injects himself into the conversation and solemnly utters, "I am too, however, I'm bothered by something." The Captain specifies his attention to Anemone. "Why isn't Virgil out here? What occurred during the time we couldn't communicate with you?"

Anemone demonstrates sadness after temporarily giving Harper a dumbfounded look, hesitation vaguely included. "V's... Upset about Doyenne... She was capture by Crest Callahan."

Harper's instantly shocked while drawing closer to Anemone a tad. "You're kidding! This is beyond realistic! What are the chances that we'd crossed paths with three of the Most Wanted in such a small period?!"

Anemone musters her courage. "Actually, we ran into Crest a while back." Timidness inadvertently replaces the teen's conduct. "Or rather I should say, V and Suta encountered him, which led to them fighting."

Kairi keys onto a certain detail as she slants her left westward. "Suta?"

Anemone directs her vision to Kairi, reluctant to explain, before calmly stating, "I think V oughta' tell you about Suta. I'm positive he wanted to discuss it with you anyway."

Harper and Kairi share a brief glance until nodding at Anemone with the quartet eventually going inside Virago. Then, once they arrive at the Bridge, the four characters discern that every Victress member seems to be present as tension fills the room. 

Not long after, Anemone asks the Bounty Hunters while situated ahead of Harper, Kairi and Sebastian, "Where's V?"

Eve glares at Anemone with disdain portrayed, standing between Fey and Gabriela as she's towards the center of the Bridge while facing the massive monitor. "Like it matters right now!"

Anemone becomes enraged as she takes a step forth via her left foot. "What's your problem?!"

Eve swiftly maneuvers herself to confront Anemone while sarcastically saying, "Oh, I got no clue! Not as if Doyenne was snatched up by one of the most wanted guys in the universe!"

Anemone purses her lips, processing Eve's recent outburst, prior to defensively commenting, "You don't need to give me attitude though!"

Eve's moderately baffled, her eyes widening to reflect that. "Really?!" The jacketed dame points her right hand at Anemone. "We wouldn't have been dragged into this mess if we didn't accept bringing you, Virgil and Suta to Earth 03's people! As far as I'm concerned, you three are responsible for what happened!" Eve balls her hoisted appendage into a fist while partially driving it towards her chest. "I swear, Doyenne better be okay or I'll-"

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