Episode 9: A Star's History

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*Starting Scene*

Having returned to Virago's hangar, Virgil and Suta promptly notice Anemone marching towards them from the entrance way as the former depicts that his best friend's significantly upset.

Because of that, the redhead hoists both hands at Anemone as he calmly tries to defuse the situation before it could even begin. "Okay, you must've saw me charging towards the Taurians' ship, hence you being ticked off. Sure, I'll come clean and apologize since I was basically going to kill myself in the attempt of doing some damage to them. I got caught up in the moment. Can you forgive me?"

Anemone grabs Virgil's neck while harshly shaking him as she only releases growling sounds to represent her wrath.

Suta gingerly laughs as he observes the pair's interaction and thinks, "This oughta' be called their Usual Procedure. V does something and Anemone gets pissed by whatever it is."

In the meantime, Virgil strains himself to talk, watching Anemone with his person moving forward and backwards rhythmically. "Anemone...! You're choking me...!" His glasses accidentally slip from his nose, bouncing against the floor as it slides toward the right a little.

While the object ceased its inadvertent mobility, it's revealed that Doyenne's nearby the glasses and steadily picks it up via her left hand. Afterwards, the beauty repairs her stance, considering she had to bend so she could reach Virgil's glasses, and focuses on the trio with minimal emotion demonstrated.

Suta instantly registers Doyenne placement, compliments of him standing towards Virgil's left, as he cheerfully utters, "Ooh, somebody important came all the way here to see us."

Anemone detains her strangling of Virgil, although kept her grip upon his neck, and views Doyenne with faint intrigue.

Virgil mimics Anemone's action while his face is a bit blue from the lack of oxygen as he weakly greets, "Hey..."

Doyenne emits a stern demeanor amidst extending her left arm forth to offer Virgil his glasses. "Don't you need this?"

Virgil smirks and frees himself from Anemone's grasp due to the Asian unconsciously loosening her hands as he confronts Doyenne to regain possession of his glasses, clearing his throat to properly express his gratitude. "Thanks." He puts the object back where they belong. "To be honest though, I'm capable of seeing decently without it. It just gets a tad foggy."

Doyenne nods out of understanding prior to shifting her gaze to Suta with her hands united at her rear. "You continue to save our asses, Suta. We're in your debt again."

Suta shakes his head as he locates himself in the middle of Virgil and Anemone to fully witness Doyenne. "That's not necessary. Virgil said it was our personal payment for the kindness you and your crew has shown us. Lacey was supposed to tell you that."

Doyenne peers behind herself via veering her head left while implementing her sight onto Lacey, who's fairly nearby since the quartet are currently poised toward Jet 4's left as the female mechanic's verifying the machine's condition. During that, the pale dame exhibits a criticizing attitude and remarks with minor exasperation, "Apparently, she forgot to pass on the message. She's in charge of this area, and yet, some stuff flies over her head." Doyenne reverts her concentration to the three guests while relaxing to issue them a smile. "Either way, you have my gratitude."

Anemone skeptically scoffs, folding her arms together. "I didn't do anything, so your appreciation means nothing to me." She quickly mixes in a suspecting behavior. "If that's all, shouldn't you be going back to take command?"

Doyenne coldly glances at Anemone, detecting a bit of hostility, and briefly slants her head right. After doing that, the pale chick specifies her attention to Suta as she politely admits, "Aside from thanking you, I'm here to have the discussion I initially desired from Suta. Eve can handle the Bridge until I'm done."

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