Episode 6: Another Wish To Grant

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*Starting Scene*

Suta, Virgil and Anemone journey through the enormous city that the Fuel Station belongs to, having decided to do such after the star convinced them it would be more entertaining than merely staying inside Virago. As the trio depict the area's layout via standing on an automated walk the streets contain, they notice the different alien races accumulated there.

During that, Anemone has her arms crossed while feeling quite cramped because of the large number of individuals all taking the walkway and slowly confronts Virgil, who was poised behind her as she whispers with aggravation displayed, "This is a mayor pain! I'm basically humping the dude in front of me!"

Suta gives Anemone an intrigued look as he's towards her right with minimal room allotted. "Wouldn't that mean Virgil was doing the same to you?"

Anemone blushes, gawking at Virgil, before hastily navigating herself back around and grows silent.

Suta chuckles until registering Virgil gazing skyward while teasingly questioning, "Enjoying yourself?"

Virgil aims his focus to Suta without lowering his head's angling as curiosity briefly engulfs him. "Hmm?" Realization then establishes itself while the Caucasian shifts his concentration to the air, witnessing a bunch of crafts flying over him. "Oh... This is normal for me. I was raised with piloting in mind, so I can't ever help marvel at them."

Suta contentedly smirks and joins Virgil in his viewing of the soaring ships. "You'll get to truly appreciate flying soon. No strings attached."

Virgil exhibits mild confusion while properly instilling his sight towards Suta. "Is that 'cause of my wish?"

Suta nods. "Definitely."

Virgil alters his vision to the left as a pensive demeanor surfaces. "It hasn't come true though."

Suta draws his attention to Virgil again, confidence portrayed. "That's the great thing about your wish. It's one that demands a lot of effort. Most stuff desired are easy for me to give to whoever seeks it. I consider that to be the bad part of my long-lasting existence. Nothing really wows me. For that reason, I deny any common requests."

Virgil locks eyes with Suta. "Didn't mine fall under that category? It's hard to believe you never received a wish of freedom."

Suta points his right hand's index finger at Virgil and radiates excitement. "It's not that!" He clenches his lifted appendage. "There's a significance to yours that overshadows the typical desire to be free! Through that, I was glad to accept your wish!" The teal-eyed lad chuckles as he puts his hand down, emitting a lackadaisical behavior. "Of course, I had to push you to admit it."

Virgil faintly laughs while deviating his gaze to the right and observes several men in black combat attire eluding the two walkways the street is comprised of as they travel towards the opposite direction from where he's going. This summons intrigue out of the redhead and slants his head left a little as he thinks, "Those guys... I recognize them..." Virgil rummages through his mind for a while, incapable of ridding the sense of familiarity enveloping him. Ultimately, the fellow steers his focus to Anemone as he brings himself near her via perching his right hand atop her shoulder. "I'll be right back."

Anemone swiftly looks at Virgil amidst her best friend suddenly removing himself from the crowd as a worried personality is shown. "V!" She's about to chase after Virgil, however, is prevented by a slug-like alien riding the walkway positioning itself ahead of her. Due to that, Anemone becomes upset and fiercely yells at the creature, "What's the big idea?!"

The extraterrestrial turning its concentration to Anemone and communicates via releasing multiple slurping noises.

Anemone slouches with annoyance presented while hoisting both arms close to her chest as she taps her right hand's fingers on her watch.

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