Episode 8: Unexpected Obstacle

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*Starting Scene*

Harper quickly marches through a hall, decorated by numerous pictures of men and women dressed in suits, as he demonstrate a solemn attitude.

Striving to keep up with his superior, Andrews gives Harper a curious look while talking in a low volume. "The Board of Directors won't appreciate you barging in on them."

Harper refrains from responding as his eyes are fixed on the downward path he's traversing until reaching an automated door resembling the one his control room possesses. After putting in his code for the metallic object to open, the Captain realizes that it isn't accepting his password while becoming furious.

Andrews casually remarks, having both hands stationed to his posterior and is toward Harper's left, "They must be discussing something top secret to be restricting your access."

Harper briefly bites his bottom lip before grasping the keypad via his right hand's fingers while administering sufficient strength to dislodge it. Doing that, the adult crouches near the contraption and commences tinkering with the wires.

Andrews gawks at Harper with bewilderment established. "How did you do that without setting off the alarm? Are you a wizard?"

Harper sternly answers, sustaining his vision on the keypad's interior. "The less you know, the better. I don't want you to be lumped in as my accomplice."

Andrews scoffs as he views the wall toward his right. "Wouldn't be the first time, Cap."

Harper soon succeeds in opening the door, catching the 5 men and 3 women gathered at a circular table off guard. Following that, the Caucasian repairs his posture to go inside the large quarters that's illuminated by the immense monitor poised at the back as he immediately registers the image of Crest Callahan and the planet Lionsten.

A grey-haired, elderly male toward the table's left sector, wearing a military uniform like his 7 seated companions, promptly shuts down the display to hide its contents prior to reverting his concentration to Harper.

Simultaneously, an attractive, fair-skinned, blonde woman sitting in front of the giant screen bends over the table with her thin hands embedded onto it for leverage as she harshly utters, "Such insolence! Your rank will not save you from interrupting us, Captain Harper!"

A bald, dark-skinned, husky man situated next to the chick's right joins in with a hint of anger portrayed while containing his arms folded together and his back against his rolling chair's black cushion. "How did you enter anyway?! We modified the clearance!"

Harper mounts his sight upon the group as he calmly comments, "I'm a Jack of All Trades." He adjusts his personality to radiate some ferocity. "Pardon my intrusion, but I wish to gain an explanation for why you refuse to let me retrieve my nephew and Pilot Misaki. Also, I request that you all state the reason Black Ops are being sent instead. It's a simple recovery mission."

A brown-haired, German fellow coldly rebuttals with his hands united ahead of his mouth and is positioned closest to Harper, however, has his posterior turned to the hazel-eyed individual. "You are not required to know, Captain Harper. Solely comprehend that it is imperative we take this course of action."

Harper exhibits an agitated scowl while gradually journeying toward the right of the character who recently spoke and firmly stares into his emotionless blue eyes. "Is that the way it'll be, General?"

The General retains his attention onward as he maneuvers his left hand to comb his long, straight hair rearward. "I shall not say it again. Leave now, unless you desire repercussions for your rudeness."

Harper profoundly inhales until veering himself to confront the exit, sinking his hands into his pockets, and begins his departure. "Yes, sir." The redhead stops at the opening as he pulls his left hand out, temporarily clutching it, before slamming its palm on the private room's wall toward his left with a frustrated grunt expelled.

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