Episode 26: Reunited

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*Starting Scene*

A barrage of shots soar towards Alpha from the Syndicate's fleet persisting their efforts, however, Virgil ensures that none of them strike his machine via receding towards the southern region. While doing that, the Mech leaves significant damage upon the space craft its perched on as the redhead calmly keeps track of the oncoming projectiles.

Eve's voice suddenly resounds from Virgil's microphone, containing a serious tone with a hint of exhaustion notable. "Me and Doyenne are trying to bail! Don't stop causing the Syndicate trouble! You're the only reason Whatley Greco isn't totally owning us!"

Virgil nods. "Alright, but it's tough restraining Alpha from destroying this ship. That's the level of power it has. Not to mention that the rest of the Syndicate are firing at us. So do your best to be fast in returning to Virago."

Eve exhibits annoyance while running through the hallway with Doyenne located towards her right. "What do you think we're doing?! As if we'd like to stick around here! We'll rendezvous with Gabriela and Fey! Then, we-"

Doyenne dully stares at Eve amidst cutting her off. "With what means? For once, did you not wreck a pod?"

Distress consumes Eve until issuing Doyenne a nervous smile with her eyes shut. "Of course I didn't! No way I'd let that happen if it's to rescue you!"

Doyenne's conduct doesn't alter whatsoever, skeptical of Eve's words.

Eve easily discerns Doyenne's lack of confidence and reverts her concentration to discussing with Virgil. "Anyhow, just give us a bit! You and your girlfriend can handle that much, right?!"

Doyenne unexpectedly falters to the right, resulting in her leaning against the wall via both hands touching it.

Eve's shocked as she desperately ceases her progression forward to go to Doyenne, slightly hoisting her arms towards her friend. "Are you okay, Doyenne?!"

Doyenne briefly watches the wall before sheepishly smirking at Eve through turning her head westward. "I'm fine. I guess I went overboard with the gem back there." The brunette diverts her sight to the right, narrowing her eyes a little, as she thinks, "Yes, that must be it. Nothing to do with Virgil and Anemone." Doyenne promptly detects Eve delivering a criticizing glare, forcing the pale dame to defensively ask, "What?!"

Eve shakes her head to rid herself of her suspicion prior to sternly looking at Doyenne again. "Nothing."

Doyenne nods, rapidly gathering her composure with her appendages removed from the wall so she could properly face Eve. "Let's resume in that case." The female immediately dashes ahead while Eve follows her closely.

Back at the other end of the line, Virgil registers that his conversation with Eve has concluded while shrugging and mutters, "Well, moving on." The Caucasian hurriedly keys onto the fact that Alpha isn't assaulting the huge craft anymore and shifts his gaze left to view Anemone with curiosity. Right after that, Virgil finds Anemone in a flustered condition, which is why she halted her manipulation of the Mech's attacks, as he demonstrates a cold expression while shouting with a hint of exasperation, "Anemone! Save the embarrassment of us being confused to be a couple for another time!"

Anemone's posture momentarily stiffens, surprised by Virgil's outburst, until switching the wing-based swords to their rifle state and points both at the vessel below Alpha.

Virgil sees the weapons' transformation, panic quickly presenting itself, before snapping his focus to Anemone again. "Wait!"

Anemone's unable to react to Virgil's plea, having already pressed the trigger of her controls for the rifles to release an incredible blast upon the middle of the ship. Thanks to the strength of the two tools of combat, a grand hole is etched into the Syndicate's main craft while causing its alloy to begin splitting apart.

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