Episode 27: Motto of the Star

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*Starting Scene*

Callahan continues to descend from the elevated landscape while numerous gun fragments are released. Simultaneously, the Irish intently observes the water below him with the metallic parts encompassing him beginning to gather at the sole of his boots, eventually forming a pair of Microguns. Then, several meters from touching the mass of liquid, Callahan presses the weapons' trigger that have been altered to be where his feet are situated and fires them so they would keep him airborne.

Depicting that, Suta horizontally swings Omega in Callahan's direction to launch a teal-colored blast as he's soaring southward.

Callahan instantly dodges the strike, compliments of the Microguns propelling him forth and remains in contact with the fellow's lower limbs.

Suta promptly adjusts his trajectory after coming short of the water with Iota, having caused some of the substance to spread around from his attack hitting it. Doing that, the poncho-wearing individual persists his chase of Callahan as he switches Omega to his left hand via momentarily tossing it and positions the appendage at the rear of Iota.

Callahan abruptly veers himself to confront Suta, retaining his mobility constant with the Microguns, while hoisting both hands onward to repetitively shoot his Glocks.

Suta swiftly evades the projectiles through swaying the aura-based board in different angles and summons multiple Deltas to release a barrage with them.

In response, Callahan mimics Suta's action to prevent any physical harm as he ultimately decides to jump off the Microguns. This permits the criminal to perform a corkscrew flip that hurls him forward somewhat amidst Suta passing under Callahan since the shaggy-haired gentleman was rapidly narrowing the gap. Concurrently, Callahan swaps weapons to bring out his Knight MK-85 within both hands and quickly drops back to his other tools, which were assembled there during his brief ascension. Once he accomplishes that, while the Microguns resume their fire to sustain his floating, the lad twists his upper body westward sufficiently and launches a silver laser towards Suta.

Suta, containing his posterior toward Callahan, immediately detains Iota's flight before shifting its stance vertically so it would block the beam while forcing the teal-eyed guy to be slanted. 

As a result, Callahan's recent effort is neutralized, however, this isn't what concerns him and thinks while slowly canceling the MK-85's production, "He's been doing that lately. Avoiding or making his stuff fend my attempts off. He must be weakening in some manner." The young man hastily commences to travel towards the left, implementing a second laser at an apparent opening.

Suta witnesses that without bating an eye and has a few of the Deltas from earlier to deter the beam while repairing Iota's placement. While that transpires, the Caucasian horizontally swings Omega again as the blast it generates splits through the gems and the laser that has yet to dissipate.

Callahan desperately ducks, leading to the assault barely missing the top of his head, prior to discerning the fast advancement of five Deltas. Possessing no time to react, the coated character's torso is struck by the gems in succession as he inadvertently dismounts his left hand from the MK-85. In addition, Callahan's pushed away from the Microguns, although instantly eludes plummeting into the mass of fluid via pointing his rifle at it and applies a beam to suddenly ascend high above the area. Following that, the Microguns are dismantled while journeying towards their manipulator as Callahan maintain his focus on Suta with intensity displayed. This only lasts for a minuscule period because of Callahan registering that he received damage to his right shoulder from him absentmindedly touching the blast he initially dodge when propelling himself skyward.

Suta hurriedly draws Omega over his head, rejoining his right hand to the tool's grip, while sternly watching Callahan and delivers one more attack upon noting his adversary's escalation steadily coming to a halt.

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