Episode 4: Working Out The Details

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*Starting Scene*

The Mensians' armada presently escort Virago through space, not wielding any alternative due to having no idea how to return to their territory or where they are. During that, Jet 4 docked into the Victress' craft as the several mechanic they possess within the hangars, which hold a dozen pods, kindly check on the machine.

Anemone, being a bit distrusting, rapidly runs around Jet 4 as she points her right hand at the chicks tinkering with the Tomcat-like ship. "You better watch yourselves! If I find something out of place, I'll make sure none of you can lift anything again!"

A petite, light-skinned woman, wearing a brown jumpsuit with straight, long, green hair that's evenly parted at the back, sternly glares her clear eyes towards Anemone while stationed atop Jet 4's rear and carries a couple of toolboxes inside her hands. "Pipe down! You're distracting us!"

Anemone becomes defensive amidst gesturing her right appendage wildly and ceases her movement to focus on the character who recently spoke while situated a few meters away. "You can't tell me what to do! Anyway, it's normal for me to be worried! We're letting complete strangers mess with an Earth fighter jet! I'm only being cautious!"

The dame fiercely responds. "It's one thing to show caution, but it's entirely different when you're deliberating annoying people!"

As the pair continue arguing, Virgil and Suta lean against the hangar's left wall while located behind Anemone. Soon after, the redhead remarks with a bland attitude while containing his arms entwined as he observes Anemone's behavior, "She really is a pain in the ass at times."

Suta navigates his sight to the left, compliments of Virgil standing next to him, while saying with an arrogant smirk, "But you like having her around."

Virgil sharply nods. "Of course. She's my best friend. Plus, she's been a constant in my life that I don't mind. I barely get to feel that way about most stuff I deal with." He suddenly discerns three ladies advancing toward his left from the lone hallway connecting the hangar with the rest of Virago's confines while brimming intrigue.

It's promptly revealed that the trio are Eve, Gabriela and Fey as the sword-wielder specifically marches up to Suta's anterior. Once she arrives, the silver-haired individual draws her left hand near the male's chest as the gem he utilized to keep her safe is in it and firmly inquires, "What is this?!"

Suta instills his attention onto the gem prior to it abruptly disappearing with faint traces of aqua left, scaring Eve for a second, as he lackadaisically states, "Mine."

Eve demonstrates an enraged conduct towards Suta while clenching her left as she's on the verge of exclaiming.

Interrupting Eve though, another mechanic walks towards the jacketed person, dressed in a two layer, brown t-shirt fitting her thin figure and orange cargo pants, while questioning via a somewhat scrutinizing tone, "Why aren't you back at the Bridge, Eve?"

Eve locks eyes with the damsel, briefly depicting her tan skin partially covered by oil stains, as she quickly retorts, "We were heading there, but heard these folks came in and turned around!" The mildly busty chick shifts her concentration to Suta and settles down her method of talking. "I gotta' discover some things I believe he might be able to answer."

The second mechanic scoffs, batting her brown eyes while toying with her short, sleek, orange hair in the process, and replies tauntingly, "Well, you're priority is to have a small chat with Doyenne and explain why you destroyed a space pod... For the 10th time."

Eve grits her teeth out of frustration. "You don't need to remind me, Lacey!" The turquoise-eyed dame glances at both Virgil and Suta while relaxing a little. "Tag along with us then. Doyenne is waiting for you anyhow."

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