Episode 11: 4th And 6th

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*Starting Scene*

GN-z11, a galaxy chosen to withhold the universes criminals until the point of their death, has a single planet formerly known for constant conflict transgressing among its residents. Ultimately, the world called Osuzhdam, which is almost totally comprised of water and raging storms, was seized by the Galactic Government to keep the most infamous of individuals as they had built the enormous facility, Infernal Pit, upon the lone continent the planet wields. The structure resembles a Mehrangarh Fort because of its general design, although its size tremendously surpasses it as the Infernal Pit is surrounded by heavily armed guards of different species, wearing the proper attire over their uniforms to tolerate the powerful downpour.

Suddenly, towards the rear of the immense prison, the tiny, surveillance cameras spread along multiple sections of the Infernal Pit begin to short circuit while alarming the folks observing the monitors connected with the objects. As they desperately attempt fixing the problem, a few members of security notify the ones outside of what's occurring and to be extremely cautious.

During that, a handful of the guards at the back region are silently disposed of via a hail of bullets merged with the rain and expel distraught cries while blood splatters around.

Afterwards, as the aliens collapse, an opening is forged onto the rock-based terrain the land owns so their body would slip into it. Once that's achieved, the rip swiftly shuts with Callahan planting his feet on the spot the guards were lying and soon dashes toward the right with several splashing noises echoing from the vast ocean encompassing the land, symbolizing that the indigo-eyed gentleman sent his victims into it.

The sound barely goes unnoticed by the armed forces scanning the vicinity for threats, compliments of how loud the rain is, before a couple of more are instantly defeated while also sinking into the tear in space that's shot from the direction Callahan's originating. A moment later, the white-haired fellow registers a human male guard possessing a similar constitution to him and mutters with faint delight portrayed, "It's about damn time..." Callahan disassembles the Glock in his left hand that he's been utilizing to kill the security, still carrying the Model 19 within his right counterpart.

The adult personnel's abruptly becomes aware of Callahan's advancement, however, it was too late and receives a mighty strike on his right cheek by the young man performing a left elbow smash.

Following that, Callahan nonchalantly witnesses the guard hit the ground as his limbs are dangling next to him. "Don't want blood staining that uniform of yours. It won't help me blending in." The Irish hurriedly reaches towards the downed character and steals his clothing, eventually swapping his apparel with it. Upon finishing, Callahan creates an opening beneath the officer to have him join his fallen comrades. Then, the lad forges another rip, but on the Infernal Pit's wall prior to rushing through it while that prevents the uniform from getting soaked.

At that exact instance, with both tears in space gone, some additional guards walk towards the section Callahan previously stood while quickly concerned since they comprehend that its supposed to be supervised by one of their colleagues and urgently notify his disappearance to their superiors. 

*Scene Change*

A feminine, crimson-scaled Draconis, a humanoid dragon, dressed in a black, military outfit punches the right wall to an office via her eastern appendage, causing the metallic structure to bend significantly, and furiously yells with its gold eyes staring at the guard, "The surveillance is being tampered with?! That's ridiculous! We have the best equipment to resist such a thing!"

The guard, containing the look of a white crane, nods with anxiety brimming. "It's happening, madame! A High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse was vaguely caught!"

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