Episode 3: The Name Is...

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*Starting Scene*

The wormhole that ensnared the Virago eventually expels the ship as the Victress members are baffled by their new position, registering the brown planet Virgil and Anemone are at while towards the large craft's right.

Doyenne urgently looks at her companions while firmly asking, "Where are we?!"

The beautiful Indian answers Doyenne, hurriedly glancing over the many radars that can discern the group's location, and is moderately plagued by worry. "It's difficult to confirm, Doyenne. There's a lot of interference."

Eve walks towards Doyenne's anterior as seriousness is shown. "You think the trip here threw off the system?"

Doyenne makes eye contact with Eve, portraying a calm demeanor, while caressing the ends of her hair via her left hand. "Never happened before. We have plenty of experience traveling through a wormhole. Something must be different with the one that sneaked up on us."

Suddenly, Virago's alarm sounds off to alert the members danger approaches and followed with harsh impacts striking the spaceship.

Without needing to inquire, the massive monitor exhibits wormhole that's behind the Victress' craft as the Lacertas and Mensians' ships are exiting the anomaly, haphazardly firing to implement damage onto their adversary.

Unfortunately, the battle involuntarily brings Virago in the cross hairs of the opposing sides. 

Frustration consumes Doyenne while witnessing the ships advance towards her and her comrades as she's gripping Lita's post so she wouldn't fall. "Great! They were sucked in as well!" The brunette views her crew amidst repairing her posture with a decisive personality. "Dodge everything you can manage!" Doyenne focuses on Eve. "You in the mood to take the fight to them?!"

Eve doesn't hesitate to demonstrate her eagerness and grabs the hilt of her broadsword via her right hand. "No doubt! Remember what I said!"

Doyenne sternly replies. "Go with Gabriela and Fey! You three should be capable of hijacking a Lacertas' ship!"

Eve arrogantly states as she elevates her left hand at a vertical angle near her chin, having balled it into a fist. "We'll get it done within 15 minutes of entry!"

Doyenne steers her head away from Eve. "I'll time you!" The grey-eyed dame mounts her gaze upon Lita. "Notify the Mensians that we even exist! They're clearly too blinded by their grudge with the Lacertas to realize!"

Lita accepts Doyenne's order prior to concentrating on her screen while rapidly pressing icons.

During that, Eve dashes towards the rear sector of the Bridge, passing through the big automated doors that opened accordingly, and traverses deep into the hall connected with the entrance.

As that transpires, inside the main craft of the Lacertas, the aliens communicate with one another through their foreign dialect while owning huge physiques, yellow, gladiator-styled, combat armor and resemble humanoid lizards with dark scales.

Currently, the Lacertas leader seated on a throne at the back of the primary room stares towards the right, seeing the brown planet, with its instincts compelling the creature to investigate. Afterwards, the being issues its personnel the command for them to do that as the rest of the fleet deals with the Mensians.

*Scene Change*

Jet 4 gradually detaches itself from the pyramid while displaying the star standing atop the nose of the machine as he confronts Virgil and Anemone, who are within the craft.

Anemone hastily yells to Virgil through the left gap of his seat, the noise of the jet and powerful wind caused by the desolate world making it tough for her to be heard, as stress radiates. "You positive that I shouldn't be in control?!"

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