Episode 28: Scheming Minds

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*Starting Scene*

Having gone to Virago due to the Syndicate's retreat, the Lt. Colonel is led by Virgil and Anemone into the brown craft's hangar. Once he's opened up his jet to gaze at his surroundings, currently not wearing his helmet, the male discerns a space pod next to him as he discerns Harper discussing with Oxford and a few of the Victress mechanics before registering his brother-in-law smirking at the pilot.

Suddenly, Kairi appears towards the Lt. Colonel's left via leaping onto the gold machine as she happily blurts out with tears in her eyes, "Orian!" She immediately embraces and kisses her husband on the lips all in a single action.

Despite normally being delighted to see Kairi, the Lt. Colonel desperately strives to remain seated because of his lack of anticipating his wife's lunge, which has him teetering towards the vehicle's western side. Afterwards, to prevent himself and the glasses-wearing woman from plummeting towards the floor, the Caucasian quickly pulls Kairi into the cockpit while sitting her onto his lap in a marital style. Doing that, Orian retracts his lips from his wife's to deliver a smirk with minor exasperation noted. "We could've taken a nasty spill just now."

Kairi seductively looks at the Lt. Colonel while caressing his left cheek via her right hand, softly responding, "It's been a long time since we've laid together, dear. What's a little pain, if it means we get that opportunity as fast as possible."

The Lt. Colonel shakes his head, strengthening his hold of Kairi, and whispers with his mouth inches from the gorgeous woman's, "Don't let Virgil hear you say that. It would traumatize him."

Kairi giggles. "Like I'd ever make such a horrendous mistake."

Virgil's voice unexpectedly resounds from the nearby helmet's microphone, a disgruntled tone portrayed. "But that doesn't signify that dad wouldn't..."

The couple hurriedly set their sights to the object, situated towards Orian's left, as they're profoundly baffled.

Virgil, possessing Jet 4 adjacent to his father's space craft, puts his helmet down via his left hand while rising from his seat as Alpha's in its ferret form and scurries along his constitution. Eventually, the teenager glances at the animal upon its arrival to his right shoulder prior to concentrating on Anemone by steering himself left sufficiently. "Let's permit my parents some alone time, okay? It'd do all of us good."

Anemone faintly laughs amidst peering at Virgil, having yet stood up, and nods.

Soon after, the duo leave the crimson machine as they temporarily converse with the mechanics, Harper and Oxford while Kairi scolds Orian about his negligence. This doesn't last much though, compliments of Virago's power haphazardly halting its production and blankets everyone in darkness. At the same time, the assortment of people attempt to gain a decent depiction of their surroundings while many are fairly alarmed.

Virgil's on the urge of expressing his thoughts concerning the present circumstance, although is distracted by Alpha randomly expelling an aqua light. Not only that, the Deltas initially helping Orian in combat generate a great radiance while perched atop the gold jet's wings.

A whining voice promptly echoes throughout Virago's confines, all of the passengers to listen, while Doyenne is immediately aware of what's happening as she's stationed at the Bridge with Eve, Fey and Gabriela. Thanks to that, urgency consumes the pale dame as she hastily comments with sternness exhibited, "We're in trouble! The 3rd Most Wanted in the Universe, Exca, has infiltrated our ship!" Doyenne lowers her head, a bit of dismay surfacing, and depressingly utters, "And I have no idea how we're to fight it. He's untouchable by any ordinary means."

Eve and the others are dumbfounded, barely managing to stare at Doyenne within the black that ails them.

Without warning, Exca cries in panic as Doyenne's compelled to shift her attention upward, confused, and mumbles, "Why's he acting out? Nothing oughta' be challenging him."

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