Episode 12: Resentment

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*Starting Scene*

The Global Defender Academy's control room continually bustles with activity as the personnel anxiously await the Syndicate's response while several of them strive to discover an alternative, despite how unlikely they will succeed.

Harper radiates stress throughout while watching Andrews' screen via standing next to the lieutenant's left, possessing his arms entwined, and thinks, "There must be another method, but we're running low on time...! If we receive their answer in roughly an hour, a small window will be available in reaching the location we agreed upon with Victress' leader. That's not calculating the exact delay of getting to the ship, however."

Oxford suddenly calls out to Harper, glee demonstrated, "We got it, Captain!"

Harper's startled by the haphazard outburst and almost fell over Andrews, gaining a panicked look from the worker in the process. After that, the hazel-eyed man displays astonishment while hurriedly shifting his gaze to Oxford via steering his head right as he exclaims with substantial pessimism included, "You're kidding!"

Oxford smirks as she emits a cool demeanor. "Nope. Actually, they'd like to talk to you so they could make their stipulations."

Harper releases an agitated sigh, however, senses that Kairi's intently glaring at him from the center of the room while begrudgingly accepting the situation as he closes his eyes amidst thinking with his head tilted skyward, "Well, at least it happened now..." The Caucasian draws his sight to the main monitor, replacing his conduct with seriousness, as he states in a commanding tone, "Patch them through!"

The giant screen eventually portrays the suited male who previously spoke to Tommaso, wielding a chubby constitution, and is exhibiting a confident attitude as his neon green eyes glimmer. "Captain Harper, correct? I'm Sebastian. I'm kinda' the messenger for-"

Harper harshly interrupts Sebastian. "Can we cut to the chase?! Our schedule's really tight!"

Sebastian nervously chuckles as he motions his hands forward. "Alright, don't get ya' panties all up in a bunch." He lowers his appendages while shrugging his shoulders to compose himself. "Listen here. We, the Syndicate, have connections all around the universe as ya' already understand." Sebastian points his right hand towards Harper and his associates. "That counts ya' little Earth 03." The character faintly laughs as he drops his eastern limb. "Ya' people knew that likeliness of that, considering how reliant ya' all are of tourism from other aliens."

Harper grits his teeth while significantly infuriated. "Skip the taunting, you imbecile! Time is ticking!"

Sebastian becomes flustered a tad prior to calmly complying with Harper's order. "Here's the rundown. We'll send ya' the coordinates to where we'll meet. It's the closest we can manage without possibility of getting discovered. Keep in mind, if ya' bastards attempt anything fishy, it ain't gonna' turn out pretty."

Harper solemnly nods with minor hostility noted. "That much is obvious! What are the demands for payment?!"

Sebastian presents a sinister grin. "A debt from members of Global Defense Academy is practically priceless. It ain't coming right off the bat. It's like a delicious pasto. We gotta' savor every second of it."

A frustrated scowl etches itself onto Harper and clenches his hands.

Sebastian continues his speech while registering Harper's behavior, invoking amusement from him. "Anyway, the primary issue that exist for us is how many of ya' guys plan on utilizing our service. We ain't giving ya' the ship with no insurance, so we're providing the crew." 

The tanned dame besides Harper's left interjects as she brims concern. "Now wait a moment! Ya' don't expect us to trust you fellows in navigating! This stinks of being a trap!"

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