Episode 14: Lurking Threat

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*Starting Scene*

Maniacal snickering echoes from inside one of the structures towards the right of the meeting between Earth 03's Black Ops and Virgil's small group, the source being stationed at the upper levels. In the meantime, it's notable that blood stains the large room the unknown character is within as the area possesses numerous cubicles for those who are normally there to work, although have been rendered decimated. Among the deceased, multiple of the men in black combat gear are sprawled haphazardly, dead from the severe injuries they each own.

After a while, the mysterious entity excitedly watches the discussion occurring down below, its black complexion mirrored by the safety glass of the elongated window that's situated towards the left end of the workplace and displays a broad smile that permits its sharp teeth soaked in blood to be depicted.

As that happens, the leader of the Black Ops is gingerly informed by his companion to his left about a certain detail, causing him to demonstrate a hint of concern while inquiring in a low volume, "They haven't reported back yet?"

The subordinate shakes his head with mild dread surfacing. "We sent another squad to check on them, but when I tried contacting them, they also didn't answer."

The masculine Caucasian hurriedly steers his concentration to the building located behind his colleague via moderately raising his head. "It's that one they went to, correct?"

The agent nods. "Yes, however, it's peculiar, sir. Something would've had to transpire involving all of them at once. If not, one should've communicated with us immediately."

The leader sustains his attention towards the structure, seriousness overcoming him.

Suddenly, the guy who was conversing with Anemone blurts towards the man in charge while agitation is brimming. "Sir! Tell this girl to get rid of the rodent!"

Anemone fiercely glares at the gruff person and holds the ferret near her chest as she growls with her body contorted forth.

Doyenne soon chimes in, standing at Anemone's left, with her vision towards the hazel-eyed adult as skepticism shows itself, "Are you honestly going to apply the stipulation for a tiny animal?" The woman diverts her focus to the man ahead of Anemone. "Also, you're asking to get your ass kicked. She already demanded not to call it a rodent."

The Black Ops member scoffs, taking light of Doyenne's words amidst viewing Anemone while angled sideways with his left region towards the blue-haired chick since he did that to talk with his superior. "Who's she to be ordering me around?! I'm highly trained! I can easily-"

The leader randomly cuts off his comrade with a dull expression portrayed. "Shut your mouth. Bragging makes you look so pathetic."

The agent quickly navigates his sight back to the Caucasian and exhibits an apologetic demeanor without saying anything.

The individual in command promptly alters his gaze to the trio, replacing his behavior with a cold conduct. "Let's get this over with. An unexpected development is lurking."

Doyenne's eyes widen a little out of bewilderment as she thinks, "He can't be referring to..." The dame swiftly calms herself prior to questioning in a stern manner, "So you oughta' ask us what you wanted to know?"

Virgil administers his concentration towards Doyenne while fairly curious.

The leader narrows his eyes with mild defensiveness established. "You're sharp. We must have the three of you account your experiences during your journey here."

Virgil and Anemone glance at each other, briefly surprised, before switching their vision to Doyenne to discern how they should proceed.

Doyenne refrains from seeing the duo's attempt to attain instructions as she intently stares at the blaster-wielding team.

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