Episode 21: Universal Animosity

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*Starting Scene*

Doyenne, having lost consciousness, slowly opens her eyes and discovers that none of the Static Noise is present anymore. In its place, the vicinity has turned into a vast scenery of blue stars as there are a few clouds mingling with them while the brunette's draped on the surface of water, almost completely mirroring the sky. The lone thing that differentiates the two is that whatever the immense mass of water reflects is displayed with either a darker tinting or purple coloring instead. 

Eventually, a shadowy figure gathers ahead of Doyenne to obtain her attention, effortlessly hovering over her, as the childish voice gently utters from it, "I'm sorry if I scared you... I just couldn't handle your yelling, so I put you to sleep for a little bit... Hopefully, you aren't mad with me..."

Doyenne minimizes her mobility to avoid accidentally alarming the unknown character while sensing the liquid her rear's perched against via both hands also resting upon it and plainly asks, "Where are we now?"

The enigma struggles to answer until finally mustering the courage to do so. "You're still in my void... I'm able to alter its appearance any manner I desire... I thought this would calm you down... Is it beautiful...?"

Doyenne nods prior to shifting her gaze to the water. "That would explain how I haven't sunk into this." She dips her right hand into the cool substance while motioning the appendage in circles. "It's artificial." Doyenne reverts her sight to the entity as she smirks. "It's gorgeous. You're very creative."

The mysterious individual whimpers in a distraught way, its intangible constitution fluctuating to symbolize his torment.

Doyenne emanates worry and withdraws her limbs from the water to mount them onto her abdomen, touching her gem in the process, as she thinks, "What is it this time?! All I did was pay him a compliment!"

Then, the figure shamefully states, "I didn't come up with it... It's a copy... I knew you'd like it... But I wish you hadn't..."

Doyenne exhibits a criticizing glare, continually her internal dialogue. "He's making no sense whatsoever." The chick feigns sympathy via smiling and shuts her eyes while declaring in an assuring method, "Alright. Maybe, you oughta' show me something that you can call your own. I'm positive that it'll be impressive if you're capable of imitating this." Doyenne gestures her head to the landscape during the conclusion of that sentence.

The voice suddenly becomes frantic as the world it created is plagued by Static Noise and furiously shouts, "Don't put so much pressure on me! I HATE it!"

Doyenne quickly sits upright to scramble backwards, detecting danger from the enigma, before halting a couple of meters away.

The shadowy character promptly attempts to pursue Doyenne while commencing to grow in size, whining, "Stay still!"

Doyenne hastily aims both hands towards the entity, activating the gem's power to eliminate the threat's gravity. Sadly, the female's counter fails due to the strange individual's constitution while nearly engulfing Doyenne, although she managed to narrowly evade it by rolling towards her left.

The mysterious force refuses to quit its chase, getting more upset with each passing second. "Whatever you tried doing to me, I HATE it! You're the same as the others!"

Doyenne swiftly modifies her way of eluding the enigma once she gains sufficient footing with help of both hands pushing off the terrain and dashes further towards the side she was heading. Following that, the dame is compelled to switch her trajectory so she's currently going eastward thanks to seeing Static Noise travel towards her anterior, persisting its blanketing of the area, while thinking, "Yeah, he's definitely who Crest Callahan told me about! I have no clue what could've happened to them and I really don't wanna' find out!"

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