Episode 24: Devotion To Your Desires

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*Starting Scene*

The Lt. Colonel and his group rapidly advance towards the Syndicate's armada, cautious of any sudden attacks that may incur, as the leader puts his helmet back on to communicate with his allies easier while piloting.

Concurrently, Whatley silently watches the team of jets soaring towards his vicinity before focusing his gaze to the crew, seriousness showing. "I ain't got a clue why they're capable of moving, but we'll just take them out!"

The Syndicate's personnel swiftly comply with Whatley's words, each doing their individual tasks as fast as possible.

Doyenne glances at the assortment of characters while partially concerned prior to reverting her attention to the region she last saw Suta's aura, although it has vanished from there some time ago. Afterwards, the beauty veers herself to confront Whatley as a conflicted demeanor is portrayed, having her hands clenched to the point that blood gingerly seeps from them.

Whatley registers Doyenne's conduct, compliments of his psychic powers, and coldly states with his concentration fixed onto the display of Earth 03's forces, "Do ya' want me to make ya' head hurt again, girl? I can amp it to be worse."

Doyenne's eyes widen as she's temporarily startled by the threat and soon profoundly breathes to compose herself.

Whatley looks at Doyenne without changing his behavior in the slightest. "Are ya' associated with them in any way?"

Doyenne grows a little confused while shaking her head.

Whatley scoffs as he administers his sight forth. "Then their fate oughta' not stress ya' much. If it messes with ya' morals, ya' can go hide somewhere so ya' don't bare witness to the slaughter."

Doyenne exhibits a disgruntled attitude and fiercely declares, "I'm not a child for you to be speaking to me in such a patronizing manner!" The pale chick snaps her vision to the main image via navigating her body accordingly, steadily uncurling her hands in the meantime, as she calms down. "You're talking to a Bounty Hunter. Death is always a viable occurrence. It'd be pathetic of me to get shook by that."

Whatley faintly laughs while thinking, "Good. Damas are usually a major pain in the ass 'cause of their shitty perspective of-" The Italian's thoughts are unexpectedly interrupted due to Doyenne pulling herself backwards without warning as she tries to land a Reverse Thrust Kick via her right foot. Taking advantage of the fact that he read her mind, Whatley hurriedly slants his head eastward, causing his fedora to fall onto the floor, and eludes the strike while slightly surprised.

Doyenne quickly follows up her failed attack with directing her hands towards Whatley, still having her right leg elevated, as she utilizes her gem to ensure that he can't dodge again. 

Simultaneously, the Syndicate members gawk at Doyenne with several of them contemplating if they should get involved.

Whatley doesn't intend on waiting for assistance though, demonstrating ferocity, and applies pressure to Doyenne's mind with his ability.

To Whatley's disappointment, Doyenne perseveres through the strain while whipping her outstretched leg towards Whatley, kicking his jaw with tremendous strength.

Whatley brims a vacant expression upon sustaining the hit as he thinks, "The hell?! She's absurdly strong for-" The adult's unable to finish his thought thanks to Doyenne hastily driving her eastern limb back onto Whatley's face, rendering him unconscious.

Comprehending that Whatley's in peril, a bunch of the fellows observing the situation commence to charge towards Doyenne.

Doyenne promptly plants her foot to the terrain so she can run around Whatley's left, stopping behind him, and puts the man in a choke hold with both arms as she mildly brought Whatley downward while continually floating. After accomplishing that, the female glares at the crew via tilting her head eastward a tad since Whatley's head is blotting her view while strictly ordering, "Halt!"

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