Episode 25: Friendship Over Obligation

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*Starting Scene*

Rewinding the clock a little, Alpha rapidly pursues the modified Taurian since the foe was able to exit the previous combined attack the machine's rifles implement, although it took sufficient damage that resulted in the alien's being to commence wearing down. At the same time, Virgil intently analyzes the humanoid ox while ensuring that his piloting maintains a good pace as he comments for Anemone to listen, "He's withstanding Alpha similar to how the Harbinger did."

Anemone launches another assault towards the Taurian via the guns remaining together. "Meaning that the alloyed is derived from a star's core. I wonder when they managed to copy Earth 03 in accomplishing that."

The Taurian desperately counteracts the oncoming blast, compliments of multiple beams slicing through it and causing the projectile to erupt.

Virgil doesn't falter whatsoever as Alpha enters the explosion. "We shouldn't make that sort of assumption. Who knows if our people weren't the imitators. One thing that's obvious is the difference in durability. He isn't fairing too well, compared to the Harbinger." 

Curiosity engulfs Anemone while viewing Virgil by tilting her head westward. "You think it was improved through taking reference from this Taurian."

Virgil shakes his head amidst Alpha suddenly switching its trajectory to ascend, ultimately positioning itself above the Taurian. "Not necessarily. We're talking about a living creature getting tampered with and a Mech built from scratch. I'd say he's more like Doyenne."

Anemone promptly has the rifles shoot again upon Alpha angling its arms southward, forcing the Taurian to feverishly deploy its defense via the exact method it exhibited earlier. "Speaking of, are you paying attention to your mic? Doyenne's with the Syndicate, apparently. You were right about trusting in Alpha. He led us to her, even though finding Suta was our goal."

Virgil smirks. "Don't forget to mention I was also correct on suspecting that'd happen. It always feels as if everything involving Suta can't be labelled to be a mere coincidences. So, I placed my bet onto it."

Anemone scoffs out of amusement and thinks, "You're tooting your own horn and bringing up a valid point pretty much all at once. I guess this is what entrances me about you." The Asian then brims some worry while drawing her sight to the cockpit as she remarks, "Suta's not around though. It's strange that Alpha brought us here."

Virgil becomes serious, Alpha continually chasing the Taurian that recently decided to descend for its safety, as the crimson and aqua Mech stations its appendages at their corresponding sections while performing a dive. "That's Suta relying on us." The young man tightens his grasp upon the controls. "As a star, he must've never had that. Why would he, when each problem that rears its head can be settled with his capabilities?"

The Taurian abruptly begins to zigzag around to make Alpha's pursuit of it tougher, however, fails because of Virgil's unyielding determination.

During that, Anemone ponders over Virgil's explanation while waiting for the best moment to resume her onslaught towards the Taurian until uttering with intrigue, "I don't understand why he'd want us to go through that kind of hassle. Like you said, it'd be easy that he'd just..." She trails off due to slowly realizing something, leading her to thinking, "Oh... Now I get it. Suta's doing this to invoke a change. One that'd benefit him, who always could solve stuff with a simple thought, and a change that's good for V." Anemone mounts her gaze towards Virgil as she persists her thought process. "V always felt a pressure from his family that screwed with his confidence, hence his anxiety. Them telling him it was fine that he didn't pilot made things worse. After all, V knew that they did it out of pity."

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