Part 48; Unrequited Greetings

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the really shitty chapter. I have barely had any time because of school. I am really falling behind and I have hit a really bad writer's block so it is a very stressful time for me. There are only 4 weeks left and then I'll be off for about a month and a half so please forgive me for writing so horribly. I am ashamed to even publish this part, but it has to be done. I'm sorry :(


Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute ~ Josh Billings

The plane trip on the way back is uneasy, to say the least. Every time I try to even look at him, Peter would shield his face from me and turn the other way.

We have four seats in a row and the two of us took places on opposite ends, me scoring the window seat of course.

Cam took the liberty of sitting next to him and mom sat next to me. I have sort of calmed down by now so I am not snapping at her. It isn't her I should be angry at and I don't know about dad, but you know what? Excelsior: what happens, happens. Fuck it all.

Despite the confused glances I receive from her and the loud chuckles from Cam about something Peter says, so far, the trip is relaxing; just me with my earphones in, staring out of the window at the marshmallow-like clouds, wishing that I was able to fly... well I can fly, but I wish I could soar.

Flying and soaring are different. Flying is just being able to travel in the air. Soaring is like... reaching and floating in the air, free from anything. Right now, I want to be free from everything, being able to take a breath and knowing that nothing will happen if I close my eyes. Being up so high and everyone being represented by small dots, it's as if my problems are miles away.

In my case, I am simply flying with the occasional tumble back down to the ground.

My eyes shut for a moment, only for a moment...

Then I feel something nudging me. "Raven, wake up. We've landed," mom whispers in my ear.

I fell asleep.

I closed my eyes.

The airport is filled with about a hundred people, either awaiting the arrival of their loved ones or anticipating the right moment for them to head to the departure lounge. It's a serene environment excluding the occasional person who is worried out of their mind. Much more serene than the chaos going on in my life.

Peter stops dead in his track, blood draining from his face. My eyes travel to where his have to see a woman standing with her arms across her chest, a stern yet fierce frown plastered on her face. He runs a hand through his hair nervously before facing mom and Cam and not me. "I have some... damage control to do," he winces. "Thank you, Ms Garcia for letting me come and thanks, Cam, for being great company." His head turns to face me, but he avoids my eyes. "I should get going," he says quickly before running off.

He can't. He can't just run off like that, not without a proper goodbye. This shouldn't change us. My expressing feelings for him didn't change us but his had to?

"Peter!" I call out after him. He's out of earshot so I need to chase him.

By the time I get to him, his aunt has already whisked him away before I can get to him further.

It's best to stay away for now.

"Raven?!" Ned squeals. "Where have you been for the last few weeks?!"

The sight of one of my best friends looking so flustered as they worry about me brings a quiet joy to me. People still care about me. I grin lopsidedly and shrug, "here and there, Miami."

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