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Riley's POV

I stormed through the arena in search for a certain trio. I was pissed. No I was beyond pissed. I didn't need their help, I could have handle that on my own. I finally found them in an interview with Renee, I didn't care I needed to talk to them. I stomped up to them and tapped Roman in his shoulder, making all of them turn around.

"Who the hell do you guys think you are? I could have handled Natalya. I didn't need your help to do it either." That's when Dean cut off mid-rant.

"Look darling, it didn't look like you had it out there you were a bout to tap. The Shield here-" he said point from himself to Seth to Roman. I could feel myself getting worked up again. "Save you ass out there so you should be thanking us."

"Thanking you? I should be thanking you? No you should be apologizing to me. I had that match I was close to the ropes and I had it."

This time it was Seth that spoke. "Well that didn't stop you from pinning her now did it?"

I froze, I didn't have anything else to say.

"Believe that and believe in The Shield." Roman said as they all walked off. I just stood there fuming as I watched them leave. I turned on my heels and walked into the locker room, as soon as it walked in it fell silent.

"When's The Shields match?" I asked my voice came our low and venous. It actually quite surprised me.

"There on now." Naomi said quietly as I turned around and stormed out the locker room. They wanted to interrupted my match, I'll interrupted theirs. Given I did win my match and I was going to face Paige Sunday. There is no way in hell I was leavening Night of Champions without that title. I smirked as I skipped behind the curtain their match against Sheamus, Ryback and John Cean was in full swing.

I signaled for my theme to start and once it did I skipped out and around the ring with The Shields faces plastered with confusion. I stopped at the front of the ring and just tilted my her and watched. That she when I got the perfect idea. I saw Dean and Sheamus were brawling out side the ring.

I skipped over to them and waited for them to notice me. They both stopped and looked at me that's when I latched into Sheamus and I kissed him. After only about twenty seconds I let go and skipped up the ramp before dropping to my knees as Dean beat the hell out of Sheamus. This was going to be fun.

I didn't know how kissing him mad Dean so mad but if it worked then I had my plan.


Friday Night SmackDown

'@RileyWWE: The shield wants a war, well they got one...'

That was the tweet that got the whole WWE universe talking. For the rest of that week all I've heard, from fans and superstars, is that getting involved with The Shield is dangerous and that I shouldn't do it.

But there was no going back now I had a plan for tonight. I knew The Shield were dangerous, but so does every other WWE Superstar or Diva. I wasn't backing down. They didn't know who they were playing with. Given I maybe am over reacting, I didn't care. They would learn not to interpret ANY of my matches. Weather, they helped me or not.

I needed to focus on my championship match next Sunday but my mind simply wouldn't let me, I was to worried about how tonight's plan was going to go down. I wanted to be alone so I'd changed under the stair case that lead down to the basement. I was sitting on the equipment box waiting for SmackDown to start.

Once it did I decided to go to catering, mainly because I had a match tonight against Cameron and I'm positive Paige would be out there. That's when someone sat in front of me and it wasn't who I expected to.

It wasn't Dean Ambrose or Seth Rollins. In fact it was even a member of The Shield. It was the guy I'd kissed to through off Deans game.

It was Sheamus.

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